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Jul 17, 2011 22:27

My Manifesto for fandomverse

1. Bruce Willis

Bruce before Die Hard is funny, charming and very hot. David Addison will always be my favourite role of Bruce's.

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2. David and Maddie

The relationship between these two was Moonlighting. Three years of witty banter and perfectly balanced UST made this show a must watch when it first aired. These two have always been my OTP and it will take a very special relationship to knock them off my top spot.

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3. The Big Bang

I don't care how bad their relationship was handled after this moment I still hold that this is one of the most perfect hook-ups in the history of television.

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4. The Special Episodes

Occasionally Moonlighting would take a break from routine and dedicate a whole episode to a different genre of storytelling. Its Noir episode and its Shakespearean episode were two of the very best.

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5. General Silliness

Dream sequences, random song and dance numbers and a complete destruction of the fourth wall. Moonlighting was a prime time show that was never afraid to try something different, and I love it so much more for that.

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moonlighting, fandom, picspam, fandomverse

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