DAY 29: Current TV show obsession
*I've only see up to 'The Lodger' so no spoilers for the finale please.*
This season of Doctor Who was the one television show I was most excited about this year. I've watched New!Who from the start but never really liked it all that much. The actors were great and some of the stories were very enjoyable but I just don't like RTD's writing. I was more than over the moon when I heard that Stephen Moffat would be taking control of the show this series. I've always loved Moffat's work (see my Press Gang ramblings) and his 'The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances' two-parter is still my favourite New!Who story so far. I wasn't sure how I felt about Matt Smith as Eleven but after seeing the season opener I fell completely in love with him. In that one episode he became my Doctor. So scruffy and twitchy and adorable. Amy is also so very awesome. I love the story of their first meeting, and how she came attached so she spends more of her time kicking butt than pining over The Doctor. (Sure she still tried to jump him that one time but I would have too given the chance. :P) With a few exceptions I've definitely enjoyed this series more than all those before it. From what I've heard the response to the finale has been quite positive and nothing less than I'd expect from the awesomeness of Mr. Moffat. Can't wait to see how it all ends. :D
Also a big thank-you to whomever wrote 'The Lodger' for such blatant fan service.
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