DAY 14: Favorite male character
Nothing too deep here. Malcolm Reynolds is the captain of the spaceship Serenity from the TV show Firefly. Tough and war-hardened, Mal is a man who's not afraid to shoot first and do what he has to to get the job done and get paid. He's not a hero, just a man dong what he knows is right to keep himself and his crew alive and safe and free to live the way they want to. I like that the character is flawed - he's good with a gun but is a complete idiot with the ladies, and his plans aren't always the best thought out/he doesn't always make the right decisions. Luckily he has a loyal crew - really a second family - to help him out when things don't go his way, and to bring out his softer side. It also helps that he's just so very pretty. :)
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