(no subject)

Nov 01, 2009 01:52

From a few different people,

1) Post a list of up to 20 books/movies/anime/TV shows/video games/bands [fannish etc.] that you've had an obsessive fannish love or interest in at some time in your life.
2) Have your f-list guess your favourite character from each item.
3) When someone guesses correctly, strikethrough the item and put the name of your favourite character next to it.

1) Dexter
2) Supernatural
4) New Doctor Who
5) Star Trek XI
6) Good Omens
7) Heroes (only really season 1)
8) The Avengers
9) Terry Pratchett's Discworld Series
10) Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
11) Buffy The Vampire Slayer
12) Veronica Mars
13) Firefly
14) The Big Bang Theory
15) Bones
16) Wonderfalls
17) Castle
18) Red Dwarf
19) Pushing Daisies
20) Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

meme, tv shows, fandom

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