radio_silent: Top 5 Minor Characters (ie, were only in a few episodes of the tv show/did not star in the movie)
1. Jonathon from Buffy
I hope he qualifies as a minor enough character. The reason I love Jonathon is his eventual character arc. From spending at least a series and a half as just that nameless geeky kid who was always being picked he was given a name and even an episode of his own. Even after Graduation he returned as a semi-villian in Season 6 before coming full circle in the final Season. Series long arcs like this are why I generally prefer TV shows to movies.
2. Nelson from Life On Mars
Another warm and interesting character from a great show. Nelson acted as a kind of spirit guide to the perpetually confused Sam. Always geniune and hepful in trying to get Sam to realise what's really important in life. I'd share a pint at his pub any day.
3. Badger from Firefly
Love everything about this show and it's minor players are no exception. I love how Badger while still not being as well off as the folk on the civilised planets still has that whole 'king of thieves' thing going. Such a rich character in such a deeply interesting world it's a pity more wasn't seen of him and his very fine hat.
4. Mr Muggles from Heroes
The true star of Heroes and always will be. He's cute and fluffy, entirely pampered and has the most adorable bark. Also secretly the main player behind all the secret scheming and plotting. Mr Muggles rules them all. This to me is te reason the most recent series sucked so bad far too much Sylar being emo and almost no cute fluffy puppy. In fact the greatest moment in Heroes:Fugitives - or whatever it was called - was that time that Mr Muggles found that sandwich. :)
5. Mr Flibble from Red Dwarf
Much like Anthony Hopkin's role in 'Silence of the Lambs' Mr Flibble is one of the most memorable characters ever to appear on Red Dwarf and his total screentime amounts to only 5-10 minutes - and only a single line of dialogue. By the way I probably should mention that Mr Flibble is an evil penguin hand puppet *points to icon*. Though don't let him hear you call him a puppet or he's likely to get very cross indeed. :D
Top 5 Moonlighting Moments (because that show is made of win!)
This one was incredibly tough - and a you'll see I kinda cheated. Far too much awesome to be contained to five moments. :)
The Big Bang I don't think I could make a Top 5 list for this show and not include this moment. I don't care if the show was never as good after this point I still think it is probably the most perfect consummation of any TV show couple ever. Neither character was changed or compromised throughout this arc and the moment they finally got it together managed to keep all the passion and conflict that made them - as a pairing/ship - so delicious in the first place. Would always be at the top of my list.
"'Tis the moon that shines so bright" 'Atomic Shakespeare' is probably one of my most watched episodes of Moonlighting. Combining both a love of Shakespeare and a love of Moonlighting, for me this episode was always destined to become a dear favourite. And possibly my favourite scene from the episode is this sun/moon argument from 'The Taming of The Shrew' on which the episode was based. Love all the dialogue and how the scene clearly Shakespearean and yet clearly flows like any other David/Maddie argument from a regular episode. Also love the
follow-up scene from the end of the episode. A wonderful callback and ending not found in the original play.
Dancing In The Pub From the Pilot episode, this is the moment where it all first started. Sure they had been working together for a day or two already but stubborn Maddie meant most of that time was spent arguing. This was the first quiet moment the two shared together and I love how gentle and tender David is - and how he almost convinces Maddie that she's making a mistake by walking away. Secret Agenda or not it's still a wonderful moment. :)
Something's Wrong With Maddie At the start of the Sam & David arc Maddie is feeling restless and David notices. After another argument she storms out and only returns much later after closing time surprised to find David waiting for her. I love David in this scene. I love the fact that he stayed in case she returned and I love the concern that he shows for Maddie. I love how he finally gets her to open up because of all they've shared. I also love that when it all goes sour after she takes his reaction to her problem the wrong way the way David ends up following her just to try and keep her safe. The depth of David's love for Maddie is open for all to see here.
David Is Missing This will always be one of my favourite things about the show as a whole. The idea that it never took itself too seriously and was never afraid to make fun of itself. I love all the forth wall meta content and love the continuity in the costumes of all the replacement David's waiting in line. Never fails to have me in stitches especially during the audition sequence. So terribly hilarious. :D
Also see:
The Final Scene Top 5 Musical Moments On TV (i totally stole this from you, of course...i'm actually not answering it because i already have a "top 5 songs from tv and movies" list, and they'd end up pretty similar. but it's a GREAT question!)
Big Man On Mulberry Street from Moonlighting
Not just a blatent attempt to squeeze one more Moonlighting clip I honestly adore this scene. I love the fact that editing the song or the routine down for time. I love that the whole thing was relevant to the story of the episode and told a story of it's own. I love the choice of song, the choreography and the dreamlike quality of the whole thing. This is what I miss from television these days. A sense of whimsy and the daring to just take risks and throw a piece like this out there that could stand alone and be enjoyable without any prior knowledge of the series proper.
Hopelessly Devoted To You from Pushing Daisies
This was the moment where I truly fell in love with this show. The first episode was fun and all the character's were wonderful, but the moment Olive started singing I was head over heels. There's nothing I love more about TV/movies than a random and completely unexpected song-and-dance number.
3. Giles' 'Restless' Song from Buffy
Why hasn't someone put this up on YouTube? :(
Just another fantastic moment in possibly the most brilliant episode of them all. Finally allowing Giles to rock out as we all know he can while keeping him in character still trying to figure out what's happening to them all. Brilliant all around.
Tongue Tied from Red Dwarf
In an episode where the boys meet their female counterparts and one ends up pregnant with twins you have to start big. This is another spectacularly silly moment from the show that had almost everything. I blame Red Dwarf for my deep love of all things crack.
Every Time Paul McDermott Sings This man would have to be my oldest and longest standing crush probably of all time. For those who've never heard of him before Paul is an accomplished Australian artist, author, director, actor and singer-songwriter who has spent most of the past 20 years performing in the comedy circuit and currently hosts a satirical news program here called 'Good News Week'. Despite being a rather cheeky little bastard - quite harsh and biting at times - his voice is truly georgeous. One angry angry little man with the voice of an angel.
And a bonus clip - just because I love this GNW moment so much. :D
Baby It's Cold Outside
I want to know YOUR Favorite Fanvids!
Defying Gravity by y_fish Firefly/Serenity
The perfect song for a perfect show. On one hand a tribute to the strength of all the women on Serenity and on the other hand it tells the story of the show as a whole - especially with it's themes of freedom and personal discovery. Edited together so well it makes me shiver everytime I watch it. :D
(Also make sure to note who posted the first comment for this vid)
There Is Too Much Light In This Bar by absolutedestiny Life On Mars
Just a day in the life of Sam Tyler. Really captures the sometimes surreal feel of the show and the state of confusion that Sam I really love the pace of this one and they way the visuals match up with the lyrics and beat of the song so well. The introduction of Gene is just brilliant and the ending is way too clever by far. Definitely a favourite.
Circus by butterfly Star Trek XI
This is my most favourite vid at the moment. An unexpectedly perfect song not only for Kirk but the whole movie itself. Love the pacing and the choice of clips. If you only watch one fanvid for the new Trek movie make it this one. Makes me grin as much as the movie does. :D
Girlfriend by ladybella Top Gear
This one just makes me smile. Takes a fairly annoying and seemingly random song and just makes it work. Even if you've never seen the show before it's easy to see what makes the show so great. Three best mates, the cars they love, and all their crazy schemes. Another where the pace and energy of the song perfectly matches the style of the show. This one always cheers me up.
Alternate link:
Girlfriend 5.
Stacy's Dad by Charmax Buffy
This I'm sure is the first fanvid I ever found. Basically a massive tribute to the awesomeness of Giles with just a touch of slash. Never fails to make me grin like a loon.
And also your 5 Favorite Fanfics Of All Time.
Fifty Thousand by rionaleonhart
The Top Gear boys challenge each other to the NaNoWriMo. Hilarity ensues. This one has a ability to crack me right up just by thinking about it. So perfect - especially the snippets of the boys' novels and Jeremy's attempts to cheat. :D
This Is Going To Be Fun by flurblewig
A Buffy/Life On Mars/Doctor Who Crossover of epic proportions with a story that really works the three universes into one. Sadly this one is still a WIP but is quite brilliant nonetheless.
What Would Happen If We Kissed? by lerdo
The one Bones fic that really works for me. I love all the character's voices in this - especially Angela's, and the flow is also fantastic as are the quieter moments between the characters. Also did I mention it's hot. :)
Being A Donaghy by offtheplane
Seems like a long 30 Rock fic but the chapters are short enough, and if Jack and Liz were ever going to get together this is the way it would happen. :)
Toys by mikes_grrl
A Life On Mars fic where Sam has a serious plushie fetish. Not a kink I ever thought I'd read. This one is so wrong especially as it's so hot. Should be illegal.
Biggest. Post. Ever.