
Jan 21, 2007 17:01

As requested, here is a list of books that will soon be donated to the Salvation Army. As my internet friends, you have first crack at them. A warning: This list probably isn't worth reading. Although it gives some idea as to the last time I cleaned my room.

Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing: Judy Blume
Superfudge: Blume
Treasure Island: Robert Louis Stevenson
The Twenty-one Ballons: William Pene Du Bois
I'm going to be famous: Tom Birdseye
The Atmosphere
How Things Fly
The Secret of the Indian: Lynne Reid Banks
Nothing But the Truth: AVI
Little John and Plutie: Pat Edwards
Howliday Inn: James Howe
AFternoon of the Elves: Janet Talylor Lisle
Chicken Soup for the Soul
Paperfolding for Beginners
Journey Under the Sea (Choose your own adventure!)
Star Trek: The Next Generation, All Good Things
Around the World in 80 days (Great Illustrated Classics. Read: Condensed for kids)
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (GIC)
The Mutiny on Board HMS Bounty (GIC)
The Three Musketeers (GIC)
The Count of Monte Cristo (GIC)
Black Beauty (GIC)
Hardy Boys: False Alarm
On The Far Side of the Mountain: Jean Craighead George
The Fox Steals Home: Matt Christopher
One Step Closer to Home: McPherson
The Egypt Game: Zilpha Keatley Snyder
Mr. Tucket: Gary Paulsen
Bridge to Terabithia: Katherine Paterson
Voices After Midnight: Richard Peck
Dogs Don't Tell Jokes: Louis Sachar
The Phantom Tollbooth: Norton Juster
The Bones Book
The Monument: Gary Paulsen
The Mouse and the Motorcycle: Beverly Cleary
Henry and the Paper Route: Cleary
Strider: Cleary
The Furious Flycycle: Jan Wahl
Henry and Beezus: Cleary
Baseball in April: Gary Soto
The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Contract Bridge: Charles H. Goren
How Rude! A Teenager's guide to etiquette
Some Superman comic books in Italian
Lead Poisoning
String, Straight-Edge and . . . something else. Some geometry book.
Clash of the Titans (The second movie adaptation on this list!)
Textbooks on math, calculus and computer programming
Possibly a book or two about the Federalist Papers or something.

What a shit-ass list. I don't recommend any of them, unless you're ten years old. Or like Calculus a lot. There may be some even crappier that I didn't feel like typing in.
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