Sep 26, 2005 21:31
i miss him, but he's so annoying. just the fact knowing he has a girlfriend, an ugly one too, makes me build everything up inside. i honestly dont know why i miss him. i still like him, yes, but all he truely talked about was his stupid hardxcore dancing, how hXc people were better than punks, and his soccer business. i know it's fine to talk, but to be constantly talking shit and being cocky gets annoying. maybe it's the jealousy inside, and yeah, i'll admit i'm jealous. summer wasn't the best time to ask someone like me out. with all these opportunites being thrown at me.. i felt chained down by him. i always had to wonder am i doing this right or wrong. is it okay for me to be hanging out with so and so or will he get jealous? i hated that feeling and i wasn't mature enough and heart wasn't mended enough for me to be dating again. i miss the feeling of not being alone, knowing i had someone to hold me when i'd cry, and deal with my shit when i'm pissed off because of something stupid. yes, i miss thoughs things. it's not like i have much friends who will be there for me.