(no subject)

Jan 29, 2005 12:29

well, i'm in delano (30 minutes out of bakersfield) right now. they ride here was very interesting. found out about stuff in my brother's (chris) past. and how felt about people and what they thought. shit like that. then we listened to rex. "puck dat shit!" on the car ride there i felt a little sick. well, actually alot sick. so we stopped at burgerking, i went to bathroom and threw up. eww. my brother got food and the guy was a super homo. pretty cool. he was like, "omg order 35 your oder is like ready". he had a mushroom cut hair style. it was ugly. but oh well. he was nice. got ice and on the road again to delano. started to hail. and this lady behind us was driving to close to us. it stopped raining and my brother turns on the window cleaning shit. and since she was driving so close it would go to her window and she'd have to get that shit off it too. i mean, that's what you get for driving so close with slippery roads. okay, it's our exit now. my brother decides to speed up to 80 on a turn to our exit. we didn't see the that the turn was gonna be so much of a turn. Lol. luckly, we see it just in time so he hits the breaks. we thought there was gonna be a curb but there wasn't so we go up the stupid thing and there was a sign and we ran into it. if that sign wasnt there we would have went into the bushes which has close to a 40foot fall. yeah. we got lucky. but it wasnt half bad. honestly, i was hoping that we would fall but shh. we get to the house and meet all of sheryl's family. they're pretty cool. we do all this stuff and drop off her cousin, michelle, to her house. on the way there they tell us that this is the town that all the murders and rapeist drop off most of their victim's dead bodies.. in the fields since they're so huge. and they throw dead bodies off of the bridge into the water. they have houses we're spirits are still there. i wasn't all that scared. i actually wanted to see one of the houses. this was at like 2am. we past by a field. that street name was countyline. so if you ever pass there.. GO IN THE FIELD AND TELL ME ABOUT IT! >=) we get home and i knock out. i was arguing with my brothers saying "No, im watching TV. I said that before we even lef the house!! Play your game after!" and they just said "we're playing my game!!" i was getting pissy. haha. as soon as the movie is on, i knock out. i knocked out during the previews. haha. next thing i know its 11am and im eating and taking a shower to get ready to the party. wow, up to 300 people are gonna be there. that's a lot. well, to me that is! im going time to straighten my hair. how great(?). not. tootles love.

..la-u-ra. haha
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