The pamphlet arrived at my place on Monday. Unfortunately, the postman came when I was at school so I had to wait until 8.30am on Tuesday to pick it up. Anyway, I'm super-happy now. This second pamphlet is much better than the first one (SUMMARY 2008) that I bought last year. The reason definitely is because of the people featured in the pamphlet ;) the quality of this pamphlet is way better than SUMMARY
the first page XD~~~~~~~~~~~ Ya-Ya-yah and their smiles. "Looking at this picture on new year morning will bring luck and happiness for the whole year," the fortune-teller Oza said =P
can't help taking a close-up of Taiyo. J..h...ny, shame on you!!!
blurry because of my camera is out of battery, and I have to use my cell phone :(
Why so tiny? Looking at their chins and cheeks make me want to pinch their faces <3
But nobody can compare to this angel~
Gomen Yamada, I don't want to damage my pamphlet yet so I don't mind not capturing you in the pic. As long as the main person is in, it's good enough.
Some other random juniors I find interesting
For Tina:
For Sashimi:
For Akito:
Is it true that Sato Shun had left?
And my favorite A.B.C. member:
Sorry for there are too many big-sized pictures. Using html to type this entry so I hope I do not mess up any code and ruin your f-page. I'm extremely happy now, and want to share this happiness to my friends. Back to bed now and inspecting Ya-Ya-yah again (probably take me at least 1 hr. Shoot, going to bed early does not mean anything =))