Well friday my husband was in a really bad accident, he's ok just got really banged up. He was headed to arkansas to pick up a friend when an 18wheeler decided to make an illegal pass on a double yellow line. It clipped him as it passed & his tire front tire on the passenger side caught the edge of the road & he just started rolling. He rolled 3 or 4 times and ended up upside down in a ravine. He was out for about 20 minutes or so, when he came to he thought "ive gotta get home" & started the car...funny thing is it started right up. He realized what was going on & found his way out of the car, crawled for a lil bit till he could stand & walked up to the road. He walked a ways till someone saw he had blood coming down his head & stopped. They took him up the road where he could get cellphone reception & called his dad to come get him. His dad took him back to the scene & the cops said "I can't believe your alive!" He came home with his dad & we went to the hospital friday evening & they did all the tests they could think of to make sure he was alright, nothing broken...he has cuts on his head which this weekend he was still pulling glass out. Everyone that sees the car says "you shouldn't be alive!" They said if he would have had anyone else with him they would be dead from how crunched the car got even on the passenger side. I'm so glad he's ok! he's still hurting a bit but @ least he's still here with me, dunno what I would do if something happened to him.