Dear ...,
Just a brief sharing of a thought, since you have an influence on the public's thinking...
This is in relation to the recent court ruling. I think maybe you should talk about it, just how during Nuremberg trial, German officers and soldiers too were tried for giving out commands and carrying out genocide... Israel should undergo the same process. It would be good for this country. Because not only those who gave out orders, but also those who carried it out... including the snipers, those who used illegal weapons, those who operated drones to target civilians and children, those who operated weapons with cubic-shaped explosives in them... those who bombed civilians and children, etc, etc... I know some organizations are collecting all the evidence. All those people should be brought to trial. People should learn not to blindly carry out illegal orders. It should leave an example and a precedent for future generations. The Nurnberg trial made an impact on humanity and Israel should undergo the same process. It will sober up our people.
And those who are responsible for blocking citizens' anti war peaceful protests (the police and those above them)... they should all be brought to trial. If Israel claims to be a democratic country, it is obliged to go by rules and laws of a democratic country. Free speech, a right to conduct peaceful protests are all principles of a democratic society.
Finally, I think we need to address the whole concept of militarising the country. Are we Sparta? Do all of us wish to be Spartan? This is the key issue. When the whole populace is obliged to serve in the army and draft over and over throughout adult life, it raises the level of inner aggression. People don’t see it with their human eyes, but it is a fact, the level of inner aggression rises. Sometimes other people refer to it as “Israeli hutzpa”. This “hutzpa” is actually inner aggression, and when it reaches a certain level, it spurs a subtle inner mechanism of self-destruction. There is such a mechanism and it is called “self-destruction”. Our Universe is harmonious and it has laws. It is governed by the principles of Truth, Compassion, Forbearance. Lives that stray away from this principle face destruction and elimination. I know a person who has supernatural abilities and can actually measure in numbers the level of inner aggression. All those things are tangible and can be mathematically calculated.
When we have all women serving in the army, their level of aggression rises and then they automatically give birth to children with high levels of aggression. This is abnormal, no other society was ever in this state (maybe an exception was ancient Amazons or certain Native American tribes or Spartans, but not civilized societies. Civilized societies always stuck to higher spiritual principles).
Women should be taken out of the army. Army should be composed of those who willingly want to serve, or those who are paid to do that. This will naturally lower the level of aggression of the populace and people will return to the normal state of human beings. Humans are naturally benevolent, but when they are indoctrinated with propaganda and are often exposed to violence... a human mind is like a beg, whatever is put in the beg, the beg will take its shape.
Finally, it is up to you, of course, but when you are in touch with your friends in Gaza, you can recommend them to learn Falun Dafa and repeat those words, as they carry divine power. Those words will protect people: “Falun Dafa is Good” and “Truth, Compassion, Forbearance is Good”. They can say those words in Arabic, the effect is the same. And you too can repeat those words in Hebrew and also be protected, truly protected, no matter how big the pressure, etc. Falun Dafa is saving at the End Times.
Have a good day,