Feb 05, 2007 02:05
so this is my first post for the year 2007...
already in the second month of the year and only now i've found the time to sit down to write something.
school's been going well. This semester has it's perks and its follies as well.
I have ridiculously late classes on monday and thursday (230 is when i start) and i'm off on wed. There are flaws, like the fact that i have 830 classes on tues and friday. Also, i dont get out of class til 10pm on thursday.
The classes seem interesting for the most part. I love my new french professor, she's also going to be my advisor for Language and Culture :)
My history of Modern Japan class is really intersting, and my tennis class doesnt start for another month! the flaws are my history of theatre course my drawing and painting class and my pragmatism course. I'm the only not theatre-major student in the theatre course, I cant draw for shit as i found out this week when i had to draw a table with stuff on it, and i cant stand my pragmatism course... well that's what happens when you avoid taking courses for so long...
this semester's been interesting, especially since i was suffering some mild anxiety due to the fact that i thought that my social life was going to diminish... well that doesn't seem to be the case n e more (knock on wood).
I've been so poor it's not even funny. I've been sober this whole time so far, i can't afford cigarettes, nor can i go grocery shopping. I'm getting no hours, and i'm looking for another job ...again... hopefully i have better luck this time though.
i've been hanging out with marissa and zoe a lot since we got back. They're fun, and chill so that's good. I just got back actually from celebrating zoe's birthday. I've occasionally hung out with other familiar faces, such as carlee, and then friend's of jared and mine like jurell, and white AJ. lol
I went to this ridiculous 'blackpeople' party on friday when i ran into these ghetto chicks that i had a class with last semester. it was so crazy. black dudes are like magnets being held in front of a refrigerator, they just stick on to the girls and cling on until someone takes them off, lol.
well i guess that's all... back to doing some school work