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a shiver down his spine, 200 words, RPS trillingstar January 9 2010, 08:41:26 UTC
The phone on his nightstand vibrates.

"Hey, bitch."

"Chris?" Lee sits up, rubs at his eyes. "What's up?"

Chris laughs. "Haven't you heard the news, prag? We're having a reunion."

Lee barks out an answering laugh. "You're fucking kidding me."

"I told you," Chris says. "Ratings are in the shitter."

"Yeah, but..." Lee protests.

"But nothing," Chris says. "Let me in so we can run lines."

"Lines?" Lee repeats doubtfully. "Figured you'd throw me against a wall and we'd ad lib from there."

The doorbell buzzes.

"I'll ad your lib," Chris growls.

"Kinky," Lee says, hanging up.

Chris stalks inside the moment the door opens, bringing with him a wild energy.

Lee raises an eyebrow. "Chris... Keller?"

Chris smiles, all teeth. He grabs at Lee, yanking him closer, loving his excited gasp. The familiar way they fit together sends a shiver down his spineHe takes his time with the kiss, licking into Lee's mouth, the soft touch of tongues making his dick hard. Chris holds Lee tight, pressing kisses to Lee's neck and bare ( ... )


laugh, 100 words, RPS watergal January 9 2010, 14:31:55 UTC

"What?" Chris looks annoyed, which is telling in itself.

"Your presentation's wrong," the AD says. "You're doing Keller, not Eliot."

Chris relaxes and gives Eliot's laugh. "Sorry. Must be today's company. Muscle memory and all." Across the interrogation table, he slips Lee a covert wink.

Lee has muscle memory too: bodies moving; hands surrounding; the slap of Chris's thighs; mouth struggling with first one ball, then both; arching upwards, straining to come as Chris whispers filthy fantasies; Chris jizzing inside him in spurts.

"Let's go again," the AD calls, "Everybody back to one."

Chris grins at Lee. "Let's do."


Muscle Memory, 100 words, RPS blackchaps January 9 2010, 19:22:34 UTC

Of course Lee walks to the shoot. It's New York. No one drives. Chris gives him that shitty grin, and just like that, everything in the world is good again.

"Hey! You get lost on the subway?" Chris tugs Lee into a trailer that has Meloni taped on the door.

Lee laughs. "Shouldn't I be in makeup or something?"

"Nah, you look good just the way you are." Chris leans into Lee's space, and muscle memory makes it so easy to pull him close, nuzzle him. Their mouths meet, and Chris takes Lee on another ride through crazy town.


Makeup or something, 100 words, RPS watergal January 9 2010, 23:15:52 UTC
Yes, the camera adds ten pounds, but that's not it. Maybe it's makeup or something, but no TV screen holds the Chris Lee knew.

It's back on set together, misting stinky sweat. It's Chris hovering over him, not quite touching, although with each heave of his chest it seems--this time--they must. It's Chris's bulk wielded as weapon and promise both, its whole attention devoted to him.

It's when they touch, fifty eyes upon them, painfully restrained within the script, and Chris's strength surprises still.

It's after wrap, alone together, cameras off, the Chris Lee knows comes to him.


Stinky sweat, 100 words, RPS blackchaps January 10 2010, 04:28:43 UTC
It's funny how the stinky sweat is the exact same. They'd taken a lot of damn showers on the set of Oz, and Chris needed every one of them. The man has odor when he works. It's why they cut the sleeves from his shirts, and it helps for awhile, but acting is dirty work.

Lee catches Chris' grin and returns. "Still stinking up the place, huh?"

Chris reels him in and crushes them together hard. "You miss it," he growls in Lee's ear. "I skipped a shower for ya."

They laugh together, and it all clicks into place.


Odor: 100 words watergal January 10 2010, 04:50:46 UTC
It's said Allah does not mete out more than we can endure, but Kareem allows that Allah's assessment of him might be unduly high.

Day is easy, buttressed by his brothers and Salat. But like the log that rolls away from the campfire into the night, sealed in with Simon, the sustaining glow fast fades.

So, over and over Kareem listens as Simon masturbates. "Come with me, my brother! Come, come!" and the odor of man's greatest earthly joy permeates their air.

Too hard to sleep, too battle-weary to endure, Kareem grits his teeth and waits for morning to come.


Battle-weary 100 words blackchaps January 10 2010, 05:27:05 UTC
Toby rubs his battle-weary ass, wishing for a moment that Chris could fuck him without it turning into some sort of fight. Sure, they start out tender and kind, but as every drop of sweat beads and every breath grows tighter, Chris begins to claw and pound away like it's his last night on Earth.

They match each other's panic like well-trained carriage horses running away together, and his ass is damn tired of it.

"Love you," Chris murmurs, pulling him close for a gentle kiss. "Don't forget it."

It's impossible not to kiss him back and whisper, "Never."


Well-trained, 100 words watergal January 10 2010, 21:30:59 UTC
"Shakedown!" Guards and dogs swarmed in.

"That Sheppard," Ryan squinted. "Isn't that the one that Penders raised?"

Toby shook his head. "Nah, too well-trained."

"The dog, not Penders, dicksplash!"

"No talking!"

Two pods away from Ryan's, the Sheppard sniffed, moving down the row.

"A shame being ratted out by our old pet," Toby smirked.

"Chester! Leave it!" Ryan hissed.

At the name, the dog pricked up his ears.

"No talking!" Murphy banged his stick against a wall.

"Won't work," Toby whispered. "They train police dogs in Dutch or German."

"So, how do you say 'go for the throat' in Dutch?"


Dicksplash, 100 words blackchaps January 10 2010, 23:48:39 UTC
"Hey, dicksplash!"

Immediate silence drops over the quad. Nazis grin, Bikers look around in confusion, Italians examine their fingernails, and the Others groan.

Toby's whisper is loud, "What does that even mean?"

Ryan grabs Keller by the forearm. "You sure we gotta do this?"

"No one calls me a dicksplash!" Keller jumps to his feet, ripping away from him. "You got my back or not?" He glares at Toby and Ryan.

Toby sighs. "Nothing like a vacation in the hole." He nudges Hill. "Stay out of it this time."

"And miss the chance to roll over some fucker's toes?"


fingernails, forearm, feet, back, hole, toes, 100 words watergal January 12 2010, 18:02:53 UTC
Forearm to fingernails, back to asshole, feet to toes, the body is the sum of its parts. All parts don’t act the same, so all parts aren’t treated the same-you wouldn’t put shoes on your nose, would you? Or expect your appendix to walk to the store? But all parts are the body; debasing one debases the whole.

There’s a body of society; prisoners are one part. Winston Churchill said you can measure the civilization of a society by how it treats its prisoners. When they write our history decades from now, how do you think we’ll measure up?


clicks into place, 162 words levitatethis January 11 2010, 16:14:23 UTC
Tarrant feels the weight of the gun in his hand as he raises it in broken desperation. Scared thoughts collide like bumper cars in fast-forward and ration tells him it’s now or never, there’s no turning back.

He doesn’t belong in this place. He is not a murderer or rapist, pedophile or drug dealer. Artist versus artist, and the punishment is in excess of the crime. He won’t last a week in this place and there is little sympathy in the eyes of those who should care, those who trade on words like rehabilitation, those who ignore the taunts and humiliation visited upon him.

Prison is death; the only question is will it be on his terms or theirs? In the split second before he pulls the trigger (over and over) it all clicks into place and adrenalin sets fire to his veins.

Fear is a powerful weapon used to break and destroy. It’s time they got a good look at it.


straining, 100 words trillingstar January 10 2010, 08:03:09 UTC
Chris presses close, chest to shoulder, watching carefully. Toby's mouth is open on a ten-minute moan. Chris wets his fingers and slides them inside. Toby rears his head back, eyes squeezed shut, sweat on his temples.

Chris murmurs: fucking sexy, gonna make you come again, this is only the beginning.

He twists his wrist, fingers curling, plunges them in hard when Toby's thighs tremble. Toby arches up, straining not to come. Chris scrapes his teeth across Toby's bottom lip.

Toby exhales sharply, a steady chant of yeahohyeah, and then. Chris, pleaseplease.

Chris smiles, makes more promises, asks Toby to wait.


fucking sexy, 100 words dustandroses January 10 2010, 17:28:02 UTC

Miguel didn’t fight as he was pushed against the door, moaning his surrender into Keller’s aggressive kiss. When Keller shoved him down, he went willingly, eager for a taste of that hard cock.

“Jesus, Alvarez. You’re so fucking sexy on your knees.”

He felt a thrill of pride curl in his gut, and he had to concentrate to avoid coming, just from the sound of Keller’s throaty growl. But he hadn’t been given permission for that, yet, so he focused on the feel of the cock in his mouth. There was no place he’d rather be than at Keller’s feet.


bottom lip, 182 words levitatethis January 10 2010, 23:35:17 UTC
Cyril backs up slowly. Sticking his bottom lip out and furrowing his brow, he watches the fight grow bigger, drawing more people in. Some look happy about the mess, even Ryan who is moving closer and closer even though he’s yelling so hard his face is turning red.

Cyril wishes he could hide. He doesn’t like when it gets so loud his brain hurts and no one’s words make any sense. When he was a little kid and people were mean he hid under the bed or in the closet; until he realized he was tough enough to fight back.

He could probably fight right now, but he’s pretty sure that would only make Ryan madder. Instead, Cyril makes his way back to his pod and curls up the bottom bunk, in the far corner, with his back against the wall and hands over his ears. He remembers a nursery rhyme and begins singing it quietly; closing his eyes and focusing on the words until his entire world becomes a sunny meadow with a young girl named Mary and her white lamb.


"fight", 150 words severina2001 January 19 2010, 13:20:56 UTC
Beecher flips pages briskly, each snap of paper working Keller’s last nerve. Finally he can’t take it anymore.

“What’s up your ass?” he asks. “You been prickly all day.”

For a moment Beecher stares daggers, clearly itching for a fight, but when Keller just looks back placidly Beecher flops back in his chair.

“I don’t know what happened to my dog,” he mutters.

“Your dog.” Keller scratches his chin. “Your parents probably took him.”

“Her,” Beecher corrects. “And no. Dog hair on the furniture?” He sniffs. “They’d never allow it.”

“You miss her, huh?”

“I guess so. Beautiful Husky. Genevieve didn’t want a dog, but the kids fell in love with her.” He smiles. “I guess I did too.”

Keller cocks his head, considers his audience. “Your wife probably wanted to be the only bitch in the house.”

When Beecher snorts out a laugh, Keller leans back, grins. Mission accomplished.


Chris...Keller?, 189 words levitatethis January 9 2010, 14:38:40 UTC
“Keller...Chris...Keller?Lopresti smiles ( ... )


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