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"a shiver down his spine", 100 words severina2001 January 9 2010, 05:46:56 UTC
Tim’s spent his whole life building castles out of playing cards. When someone knocks them down, he squares his shoulders and builds them right back up again.

He stands well behind the yellow crime tape, ignores the news crews, and tries to tell himself that he’ll rebuild this, too. Find the right programs, the right mix of prisoners…

He doesn’t know Sean is there until the hand touches his arm.

The simple touch sends a shiver down his spine, a quickening in his chest that he can’t even try to pretend he doesn’t feel.

Anyway, Tim is tired of pretending.


"castles", 100 words natlet January 9 2010, 07:04:24 UTC
They stand together in front of Buckingham Palace, Dee-Dee's chilly fingers curled in Diane's palm. "Is that where the Queen lives?" Dee-Dee asks. She sounds like she's four again.

Diane just nods. It's been so long since she's heard anything from Dee-Dee but sorrow, and she thinks she might cry if she tries to speak.

The guards outside the gates are still, but she catches a hint of a smile on one of their faces as Dee-Dee chatters happily about being a princess and living in castles. It's probably just some over-tuned maternal instinct, but Diane catches his eye and smiles back.


"Buckingham Palace", 200 words (double drabble) severina2001 January 9 2010, 08:03:39 UTC
Tim’s gaze flits over the overstuffed sofa, the television propped in the corner, the open pizza box on the island that separates the tiny kitchen from the living room. Sean grabs up the remote and mutes the sound, hastily shuffles some sports magazines and a couple of empties from the chair.

“This is nice,” Tim says.

Sean shrugs. “It ain’t exactly Buckingham Palace, but I like it ( ... )


"sofa", 200 natlet January 9 2010, 09:46:09 UTC
Tim's asking for trouble, Sean thinks, having that goddamn thing in his office. It's too accommodating, too inviting; come in, sit down, stay a while. Tim had bitched about the old one constantly, used to run his mouth for hours about how sometimes he felt like his office was the break room, open to anyone who'd wandered in. But it's the first thing Tim brings back in, once the bio-terrorism guys get the building cleared.

"You sure?" Sean asks, eyeing the sofa, still breathing a little heavy. Tim should have accepted it when his old one got tossed during clean-up, taken it as a sign and moved on. "You don't think it's too -" fucking tempting "- informal?" Though maybe, he thinks, he should have asked that before they hauled it through the mostly-empty prison and up the stairs. "You're gonna have half the staff in this place hangin' out up here, drinking your coffee, getting in your way ( ... )


moved on, 100 cmk418 January 10 2010, 00:52:30 UTC
Richie Hanlon strode back into Emerald City with the walk of a free man. He’d moved on, away from the feeling of impending doom that life on death row brought on a daily basis. Heads turned, whispering his name. He glanced around, recognized a few faces, and smiled remembering that Mark Mack wouldn’t be around to harass him anymore. A devilishly attractive man bowed in greeting. Maybe later, honey,. He set his belongings in his cell, laying them out carefully. His transition was almost complete. The only thing left was to cleanse himself of any remaining traces of death row.


"glanced around", 100 words severina2001 January 10 2010, 08:05:16 UTC
Eight days. Eight days since Chris had touched him, kissed him, ripped him apart and made him whole again all at the same time. Eight days of re-imagining the moment, eliminating the meddlesome hacks, letting himself remember the taste of Chris on his lips without that initial bolt of stunned surprise at how good it felt. How right.

Toby glanced around furtively, made sure no one was nearby before he took a healthy swig. The whiskey burned going down, did nothing to ease the constant ache in his gut. He licked his lips, savouring the taste. Savoured the memories more.


"taken it as a sign", 100 words severina2001 January 10 2010, 05:19:34 UTC
Toby isn’t quite sure what made him destroy his glasses -- he hadn’t been quite sane at the time -- but since then he’s taken it as a sign that he’s meant to see the world this way. Not exactly fuzzy, but with edges and angles smoothed over, like the results of the soft focus lenses they use on aging actresses.

Strangely, he sees everything a lot more clearly now, including himself.

The rage simmers inside him like something alive, and when he sees Vern in the gym he lets it boil over. Taking a crap has never felt so fucking… satisfying.


"gaze flits over", RPS (175 words) beechercreature January 16 2010, 05:22:50 UTC
Lee's gaze flits over Chris' body appreciatively as he presses the button and snaps another photo.

It started when they got back to his apartment after all day at the set. Chris had been laughing at something as he took off his jacket, and Lee grabbed his camera and took a picture. Chris had blinked in surprise, amusement still quirking his mouth, and Lee had taken another.

And another.

And another.

Until they'd ended up here, on the couch, Lee kneeling at one end and Chris sprawled out at the other, gloriously naked and leaning back on his elbows, knees bent...

He crawls forward, straddling Chris' hips, bracing himself with one hand on Chris' chest and the other holding the camera up high, pointed down at the two of them. Click!

"Lee," Chris growls, and Lee takes another picture. "Put the camera away."

Opening his mouth to protest, Lee pauses as Chris lifts his hips while pushing Lee's down. "Okay," he says, a little breathlessly, and reaches down to set the camera on the floor.


four again - 100 words cmk418 January 10 2010, 00:51:00 UTC
“I wish I was four again,” he said.

“You were definitely better looking at that age. That’s for sure. Now, look at you, it’s a wonder you can get laid on a given weekend.”

“I just tell ‘em that you’re off the market.”

“Dream on. I’m never gonna be off the market. So, why do you wish you were four?”

“Everything was a lot simpler then.”

“Yeah, you.”

“Shut the fuck up. We didn’t have to get dressed up for shit like this.”

“Remember Uncle Ned?”

“That bastard.”

“I thought Aunt Brenda would never stop crying. You ready, Cyril?”



everything was a lot simpler then, 168 words levitatethis January 10 2010, 23:25:19 UTC
She loved her husband with her entire soul, but marriage brought its own set of complications along for the ride. It wasn’t a bad thing-just a fact.

They didn’t always get along and there were days, when an argument rattled the confines of her brain, when she wondered if she really knew the man she had sworn to love and honour for the rest of their lives. But then she’d see that flash of familiarity in his expression right before they made up when she knew any doubts were groundless.

Life in Oz is forever an uphill battle. Every day she walks through the gates and meets with men fated within those walls. She can’t help but look back on her married years and think everything was a lot simpler then. Here every conversation is a manipulation, a confession, a plea, and a death sentence.

She’d never admit it out loud, but it was easier when Christ-God-was more of an abstract notion in her life.


"argument", 100 words severina2001 January 11 2010, 12:51:50 UTC
“You’re a real piece of work, Keller,” Beecher sneered, pushing him roughly away. “After what you did today, you think you’re going to fuck me?”

Beecher slammed out of the pod, ignoring the stares of the inmates. “Go fuck yourself!” he shouted over his shoulder as he stalked away.

Rebadow raised a brow. “Quite the argument,” he said.

O’Reily sidled up to Keller, leaned against the glass. “What the fuck was that about?”

Keller scrubbed a hand over his jaw, mentally reviewed the day’s events. Finally he shrugged. “No fucking idea,” he said. He glanced at O’Reily. “Game of chess?”


over his shoulder, 300 Words numenora January 24 2010, 14:24:35 UTC
“Hey, Stabler--That your new bitch?” The junkie laughed, then whined pitifully as his face exploded.

“What you call me, asshole?” The smile on Eddie Drake’s handsome face was feral and dangerous as he watched blood pour from the junkie’s nose.

“You gonna let him do that? Police brutality is gonna make me rich. Jus’ wait 'til I talk to a lawyer,” was wheezed out as the man desperately tried to wipe his face with his dirty shirt, his scraggly red hair swinging from side to side.

“What make you think you’re going to live long enough to call one. Take a walk, El--You were never here,” Marshal Drake threw over his shoulder as he advanced on Fin’s informant ( ... )


"get dressed", 100 words severina2001 January 11 2010, 12:43:45 UTC
The desolate sound echoes through the pod, vibrates on the air, bounces off the walls and around inside Keller’s head no matter how much he tries to ignore it. By morning he’s ready to throw Beecher against the wall, punch him or fuck him, loose that wailing banshee howl right back into his face if it’ll just give Beecher a reason to shut the fuck up.

Instead, he clenches his fists and tries to remember patience.

He’ll get up, get dressed, stand for count. Spend another day watching Beecher warily and gritting his teeth over an ache he can’t soothe.


Cards, 100 words dustandroses January 9 2010, 07:44:08 UTC

He’s lost so much - his baby, his grandfather, his girlfriend, El Norte and his hermanos, his chance at parole, hell, he even lost his sanity - more than once. Then Alonzo’s empire collapsed like a house of cards, leaving nothing behind but the agonies of withdrawal and yet another aching loss. If Ryan hadn’t been there to pull him out of the wreckage, he doesn’t know where he’d be now. But here he is, lying in his bunk, with Ryan’s warm body draped over his. He’s lost so much in his life - he’s not letting go of this, no matter what.


he's not letting go of this, 202 words levitatethis January 9 2010, 17:14:17 UTC
He knows what they’re thinking-

The high and mighty Kareem Said plummeted to earth.

He feels their laughter, mocking the changing of the guard he had no say in. They question and ridicule with cruel delight his utter torment.

His own brothers have cast him out on the words of Hamid Khan; Iago dripping poisonous words into wilful ears.

He is...done for.

But there is one face-Beecher-that looks upon his with such affection and concern it nearly breaks his heart. He clings to it greedily and knows he is not alone in this abject darkness. Once upon a time Allah had seen fit to guide Beecher his way. Said had thought it was for Beecher’s good. Now he knows Allah was preparing him for this moment as well, granting him a confidante, gifting him with a kindred soul.

This is a test.

He is human, yes; he must never forget this lesson. And he must prove to himself (and those who turned their backs) that he is a chosen person-humbled and awed at the will of Allah’s mercy. He is not letting go of this.Instead he is looking up at ( ... )


preparing him for this moment, 100 words cmk418 January 10 2010, 04:05:44 UTC
Ever since Miguel knew he had a shot at freedom, he’d been good, got off the drugs, turned himself into the model prisoner. Even McManus got into the act, preparing him for this moment. For the first time in ages, he was hopeful. Taking a deep breath, he walked into the hearing of the parole board.

It was the day of judgment. Bunch of rich bastards with nothing better to do playing God and laying out every single one of his sins. Redemption was useless. There was nothing left to do, no one left to fight. He’d die in Oz.


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