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Anyway - no, I don't think it is selfish. Putting personal feelings aside for one moment, it's logically near-impossible to say to someone that you'll be dead by, latest, forty-two and have them take it seriously. The last time I tried telling someone was when I was still growing up and learning that other people have emotions/feelings; my friend laughed uncertainly, then I felt I had to make it into a joke.
Going back to the personal stuff - love, family, etc - while your life may be, for want of a better phrase, 'shorter than expected of you', that's not to say you shouldn't live it as much as you can. There's very little point in locking yourself away and not forming relationships and trying to find some happiness - I've done that already and it's a) boring and b) bloody unpleasant. I don't intend to tell any present or future people in my life about the feeling I have, at best, twenty years left - I'm just going to try and do the best I can with the life I have and, um, get a will drafted out before I'm thirty-nine.
Hugs to you, anon.
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