Mar 09, 2006 13:31
We called him "Hyimmy" with the obnoxious saliva emphasis on the beginning. The kind where you'd only have said it right if you have to wipe off your mouth after wards. We called him that because that's almost all he said whenever he would see me. Hyimmy... the only audible thing he could make through the head harness. It was supposed to help his jaw heal. We both knew better. Hyimmy. To the uninitiated it would mean "come here" as if there were any reason to get close to him. It. He had a gross misconception the speaking softly made his words more discernible. Usually you could take a look at his eyes and clip off a few words to shut him up for the rest of the day. Well long enough to leave the room but what's the difference by then?
If he looked right in your eyes you could feel the dissatisfaction, the discomfort. The small quaver to his tone as he pressed all the worlds' injustice upon you. I would simply pat him on the head and say "I'll take care of everything" an almost childish whimper would escape his mangled face. My job here was done. I could squeeze this kind of care in a commercial break. If his eyes darted about the room and he tried moving his head I would wipe the thick sweat from his forehead and say "I'll never let them hurt you" it was at least a year before I discovered that gem.
I can pretty much keep him quiet all day.