I’m usually more poetic than this, and my main impulse is to follow the literary aesthetic route, but then I realise (yes, realise with s, ‘cause I’m so British right? Autocorrect is funny by the way)… “yeah Oz, they will end up looking at you like a lost cow or some other cute animal wondering what the fuck are you talking about”. If you have ever had a conversation with a pet or a farm animal you will be able to identify. I know most pets at least think MORE than the majority of ‘humans’ if we can call them that out there…
So the "Christian" Homophobic murderer, stated that since he was forced to have what he denotes as ‘gay sex’ in prison by way of inmate rape- he felt somewhat entitled to lose control of his butchering impulses and hack one of us into pieces and then burn him as if it was the Renaissance again… (yes folks, we were so enlightened back then huh?) 1480 technically falls into the Renaissance no? Oh my GodScience!, was he angry or what?
As far as I know… prison sex does not equal homosexual sex. It’s definitely not about consenting adults… and more about desperately horny men mingling together in an environment without many gender options for sexual release. I’m sure if it was up to them they wouldn’t pick the partners they are forced to have sex with. Although this sounds somewhat like an arranged marriage… they still do that you know.
The need to have sex, aka being horny or (if you are an apologetic religious person, lusty)- is just another among the many physiological needs we have. Same as thirst, sleepiness, body temperature regulation and hunger. As much as you want to repress it… either you end up masturbating, having sex, or having so many wet dreams that if you are a guy: you will surely end up getting prostate cancer.
I appropriately think that REAL homosexual sexual relations are enjoyed by the persons involved (persons with 's' because it’s not always just between two… LOL). In my books, and probably every possible book if it’s not consensual then it’s technically rape.
If to you the idea of homosexual sex equals rape, then man (or ma’am), you have some issues to work through ain’t ya’? I’m sure consenting adults engaging in sex of any gender identification DO enjoy it and actively look for it. Can’t rape the willing as they say…
The best part is when they say in the news “Oh he just snapped because he was gay raped in jail”. ‘Cause of course, it wasn’t a mistake to have this man out of prison… right? And the reason he was in: for abusing a woman. Then this guy actively looked for another guy who at the time looked like a woman, and he ended up butchering him. And because he was forced to have what he perceives as ‘gay sex’ in jail, he developed such a penile (or should I said penal?) phobia that I’m amazed he didn’t cut off his own dick in one of his crazy rages.
As far as I know, most of the men who have sex with other men in jail do not actively identify themselves as homosexuals. And as studies show it’s all about the need of release and a question of dominance.
Let’s quote from the quickest source (gotta love Wikipedia huh?):
Prison sexuality, often viewed as facultative or situational, shows quite similar dominance traits to those of apes, revealing similar relationship structures. Such animal-like behaviors are widely regarded as an inherent part of human nature. Hence sexual relationships tend to follow universal archetypes, which appear in all aspects of human culture and behavior.
In many cases among men, the partner who penetrates another sexually is not regarded as homosexual, and the receptive partner (who may or may not be consenting) is called a woman, a "bitch," a "punk," or a "prag," and is regarded as homosexual[citation needed]. In the United States in particular, rape in prisons is a major problem, and may be perpetrated by inmates who do not view themselves as bisexual or homosexual. One of the conceptions that tends to minimize prison rape and sexual coercion is that the penetrating partner uses the act primarily to assert control or dominance, thus minimizing this activity as an expression of sexuality per se, an idea which is still repugnant to many, including perpetrators themselves. A man who has been raped, or who has been the receptive partner during intercourse, is often regarded as less masculine and hence a target for future rape and other violence.
If you didn’t catch the drift: again- it’s misogyny.
What is it with men and their penises and this whole sword or arrow euphemisms and this whole deal about putting their whee-and-usually-tiny-litt
le-dicks in other people’s holes and the male self esteem? It’s seems as if most guys brains are actually ruled by their cocks. Maybe it sucks too much blood away from the bigger head whenever they get an erection?
As far as I know, it takes BALLS, to take it up the ass or vagina folks...or to suck it. Anyone can stick it in…that’s easy… anybody can lay back and be serviced- like all these 'bugarrones' usually LOVE to do. LOL.
So Hate-Crime-Perpetrator hates gays because *heterosexual* macho men in jail made him take it up the ass and made him feel like a raped woman, and since he hates women so much and he associates gay men with being female, and add to that the having feelt like an impotent female at the mercy of males more dominant than himself in the past, cuz he doesn’t have much cojones, enables him and justifies him to butcher another human being because said human being looked like an attractive woman and not only that, he had a PENIS! So the two things he hates the most, women and penises combined into an equivalent of Hannibal Lecter meets Leatherface meets Mike Myers meets Jason meets the usual Caco-prick we have around these lands and violá- we got us a “Real” Christian servicing the Lord and poppa Bush and Rivera Shatz (rumors are he wants to be our governor), following Leviticus 20:13 to its best.
If such an individual had 3 working neurons (which EVIDENTLY HE DOESN’T) his logical reaction (and we know he doesn’t know such a word) would be to actually identify with both rape victims, male and female homosexual and bisexuals, and to try to do something positive about it such as Queer Activism, charity, etc. For it wasn’t a gay man who submitted him in jail, it was one of his own people. It was those straight men who humiliated him, called him homophobic insults, and destroyed his self esteem. Just like they do with us in every day social environments. But no- pick a victim. Just like Original Sin… Place the blame in others and not yourself. I can understand how a rape victim may want to murder her or his rapist. But unless he was raped by a drag queen in jail, I don't get how the hell he made that connection.
And the best part of this is: they think it’s reasonable that he did what he did because of this. Some days I confirm that we are indeed LOST in the Bermuda Triangle and that we are surrounded by troglodytes. Ah yes, it was homopanic's fault, not his, no no, he is not to be blamed whatsoever...
If he had such a phobia for prison sex, why would he actively engage in an activity that brings him right back to it? Maybe... he loves it?