Oz Graffixation #8

Apr 30, 2012 14:35


Afterlife by beechercreature

Title: Afterlife
Author: beechercreature
Pairing: Beecher/Keller
Rating: PG-13, for sex(y) talk.
Summary: Chris and Toby meet again in the afterlife.
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. Just playing in the sandbox.
Notes: Sorry to mod for taking so long to do this :( Thank you to the artist for wing!fic inspiration! :D

Ah, you and me together? God doesn't have the balls to keep us out.

Toby found it hard to believe that Chris would be in Heaven, or waiting at the Pearly Gates for him. He found it hard to imagine Chris with a halo or big, white fluffy wings. He couldn't picture Chris as an angel, period.

Probably because Chris had never been one in life.

So it was with no small amount of surprise that Toby saw Chris as soon as he blinked his eyes open after dying.

There was the halo, and the wings, and Chris was clad only in a pair of white pants. As Toby shifted his own wings, he could understand the shirtlessness - the shirt was confining and itched something fierce.

"You look surprised to see me," Chris said, tilting his head to the side.

Toby felt like the halo should have slid away, but it stayed perfectly balanced just above Chris' head. "I am surprised. I didn't think I'd see you again, after…" He trailed off, growing uncomfortable.

He regretted what he'd said to Chris the day Chris had killed himself. Now that they were together again, he was unsure whether Chris had hated him for it or not.

Apparently now, though, because Chris shifted one of his wings as if waving off the comment. "You needed a clean break, so I gave it to you. Besides, I told you God didn't have the balls to keep us out."

"Yeah, but I didn't think this would actually happen. I feel like I'm dreaming." He left out the fact that he actually had had dreams like this, after Chris had been transferred out of Oz, and especially after Chris had died, though those had been a lot more violent in nature.

It had seemed just as unlikely then that he'd never see Chris again, alive or in the afterlife, no matter what Chris had said as he'd been hauled away. To see him now…

Toby felt like any moment, Chris would vanish, and Toby would wake up, back in Oz, lonely and shivering on Chris' bunk.

As if he knew what Toby was thinking, Chris stepped close and wrapped his arms around him. Toby's breath caught, and then he tightened his hold on Chris when he didn't disappear.

For a moment, it was just like the good times they'd had in Oz, however few there had been. Those moments when it was just the two of them - hugging, kissing, fucking - none of the lies and pain that went hand in hand with life in prison.

The reminiscent moment was short-lived when Toby's wrist brushed against the base of one of Chris' wings.

Right. They were both death now.

He pulled away reluctantly, his fingers brushing lingeringly over pristine white feathers. "That is so bizarre."

Chris grinned at him and the wings stretched out, feathers spreading and catching the light. He was preening, Toby realized. He hadn't changed since dying.

"I wouldn't have figured myself for a wings and halo kind of guy, either, but there you go. I guess the big guy has a sense of humor. You, though… Man, Toby, you look hot," Chris said, catching Toby around the waist and pulling him close again.

Toby rolled his eyes, feeling his wings shift behind him, ruffling a little. "You have a one-track mind still, I see."

"Only for you, you know that." Chris winked and brushed his fingertips between Toby's shoulder blades.

It was like an electric current ran down his spine and straight to his dick, while at the same time ran throughout his wings. Toby shuddered and his wings trembled a little, feathers rustling in pleasure. It seemed the wings made his upper back ultra sensitive. Or maybe that was just Chris himself. He always could get Toby's motor running like nobody's business.

"Oh," Chris breathed gleefully. "We're gonna have so much fun with these."

"Yeah?" Toby asked, gasping as Chris scratched lightly at the base of one wing. "What kind of fun?"

Chris shrugged and moved around behind Toby, keeping in constant contact with the wings. It was driving Toby insane in the best way. "Oh, you know. I could spread you out on one of these fluffy clouds here, on your stomach so our wings could move freely. And then I'd start at the back of your neck, kiss my way down your back."

Chris started to demonstrate, pressing his lips to Toby's nape and slowly kissing him all over - his neck, his shoulders, the top few knobs of his spine. All the while his fingers would rub at the fluffy down on the wing bases. In between kisses, Chris continued to speak.

"Until I came to your wings. Then I'd pay careful attention to them, because they're so sensitive. You're not used to them yet, so it seems like even a slight breeze would arouse all your nerve endings."

Here, Chris paused, and then a puff of air blew across the top arch of Toby's wing. Toby shivered. His feathers trembled and shook, broadcasting his arousal.

"Or maybe we'll just skip right to the fucking. I bet I could get some good momentum if I flapped my wings."

There was a gust of air, and then Chris' chest pressed hard against his back, cradled by his wings. The force behind the push short-circuited Toby's brain a little. The thought of all that power, on top of Chris' own strength…

He wanted it. Now.

"What do you think, Toby? I've got all these ideas…" Chris murmured in his ear.

Toby turned in Chris' embrace, wrapping his arms around Chris' neck. Running his fingers over the soft edge of Chris' wings, he mapped the musculature and bone structure, watching Chris' eyelids droop at his touch.

"I want it all," Toby said. "Everything you’ve thought of, whatever we come up with now we're together again. We can finally just be us, with no outside influence… You have no idea how much I've wanted that."

"I have some idea," Chris responded seriously, touching their foreheads together. "We have eternity now, Toby. Plenty of time to do everything a few times."

Toby grinned and kissed Chris lightly, teasingly. "Then let's get started."

artist: youtoxic, graffixation_2012

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