Hello, fandom!
I've created an Oz Magi collection on Archive of Our Own, complete with subcollections of submissions by year. If you have Magi fanworks archived on AO3, please add them to the appropriate collection(s). [eta: should you desire to, naturally.]
The Magi challenge is not leaving LJ! The establishment of this collection is to serve as an archive only -- well, and hopefully to rope/lure/entice more peeps into OZ, of course! *g*
eta: Stuff should go into the collection labelled with the year that you created it, i.e. that story you wrote in '07 (for the '08 reveal, pay no mind) goes into the '07 collection.
Adding a fanwork to a collection:
A) Click 'edit' on your story/art, then scroll down to the "Associations" header, under which you'll see 'post to collections/challenges.' Start typing Oz, or Magi, and you'll receive a list of options.
B) Click on your story, then scroll down to the bottom, where there is a button that reads 'add to collections' (between 'top' and 'bookmark') - click it, and then start typing Oz, or Magi, and you'll receive a list of options. Easy peasy!
Oz Magi Collection @ AO3 ←
Thank you, Ozzies! :)
P.S. If you have any updates for the
Great Big Oz Resource List, please let me know (here or via PM/email) ASAP. I'll be adding to it over the next week. Mwahs.
cross-posted multiple places