Jun 26, 2004 15:27
Yaye! I'm so happy, I just babysat for 4 hours and made some mula! WooT WooT! Hokay, so I'm glad the kids weren't that hyper today. Usually they are like running around the house playing some elephant or animal game that i have no idea about. It's insane!! Yesterday I saw Dodgeball with Sarah, Kelly, Aaron, Alex and Alex's good friend Chris. It was very interesting... Chris and Alex are like identical, except one's blonde lol.. they even sit in their chairs the same way!! 0.0 wow!! Dodgeball was HILARIOUS!! Need I say more? Then we went back to Alex's house and hung out... Kelly and Sarah had to leave at like 5:30 or so but we raided the kitchen in the meantime teehee!! I was going to elave with Sarah and Kelly but they didn't have enough seatbelts so i decided just to bum a ride from aaron... i didn't have to be anywhere anyways so it didn't matter when it was! But... we went outside and played Horse and played on pogo sticks for a while.. but then Chris had to leave and then we played around a litle more and then went and played tennis. I'm so incredibly depressed at how incredibly bad i am at tennis!!! I used to be SO good and now i'm SO bad, I can't even describe the contrast!! GEEZ!
Okay so then we came back to the house and played Malarky which was kinda fun for a while but then got really old, lol. Then we had this big philosophical conversation about the galaxy... and aaron and alex talked for a bit about something i can't remember while I watched Star Trek... teeheehee... I love the SciFi channel!!!
So.... i don't remember, Kelly called really bored at her babysitting job and we all felt muy bad for her... and then i got really tired and finally at about 11 Aaron and I left and went home. WooT! This morning I had to babysit at 11 and I got home at 3.... wait... i already said that... but anyways> I made money. YAYE!
Except that it's in check form so it's not exactly cash I can use. I'll just ask my mom to put it in the bank for me. I seriously need to get a job!!! I think I'll apply to Albertson's... that sounds good. Toodlydoo!! Bye bye now!