Nov 26, 2007 22:15
Well, all of us Aussies know this already!
Some of us knew it about two hours after the polls closed in the Eastern States, but it just keeps growing.
Everyone, other than Maxine McKew (the ALP candidate), is saying that the PM has lost his own seat of Bennelong. It seems to me that Ms McKew is being OVERLY cautious. Given that most of the Greens preferences will flow to the ALP, I cannot see how John Howard can hold on to his seat. For the sake of our international readers... this is only the second time in our nation's history that a sitting Prime Minister has lost his own seat!
Of course the Coalition thought they would win. Hoped, perhaps? You don't go into an election thinking you have no chance - do you? So, the defeat is all that more gutting. The Liberal party is in turmoil. The National Party is not much better. One of the good things that will come out of it will be a fresh, new, leadership team and a return to some of the more progressive 'liberal' policies. I can't stand Malcolm Turnball, but he would make an outstanding leader. He has passion, he communicates well, he looks good. Watching both Brendan Nelson and Tony Abbott declare their interest today was painful. To hear Tony Abbott say he has good people skills would have been laughable, had it not been so serious.
It's fantastic to see Kevin Rudd hit the ground running. He is such a geek. A dork even. But doesn't he make you proud?
I was interested to see Hillary Clinton's reaction to the election - positive. I didn't know that Rudd was a Clinton supporter. The news report I saw showed the footage from Rove where Rove asked Hillary or Obama and he chose Hillary.
Oh, and my highlight of the whole election night? The look on Therese Rein's face when Keven declared victory. She was *so* proud of him and so in love with him. Ah, romance is alive and well! It's so sweet.
PS - I got to watch the election coverage 'live' as Steve was too tired to watch his DVDs! Yay!