Jan 04, 2008 14:14
Okay, so I've been quite busy with work, and still never got around to posting. I'll try to be as detailed as possible.
Graduation was surreal. While waiting around in the back for things to start, Dr. Pomo came up to me to shake my hand, give me a hug, and congratulate me. He told me he hunted me down to come say hello, which was nice.
I was one of five "special majors" graduating, and I actually wound up getting to be the very last person to walk in the ceremony. That was kinda cool. Jenny, my old screenwriting professor, ran from one side of the arena to the other during the ceremony and came to give me a big hug right before I walked.
It turns out that several other people I know were graduating that day, too. Natalye, Brian, Melissa and Stephanie (who I used to work with), Kyle (who currently works for me in Rocklin), and a few other people I know casually.
After graduation nine of us (Jayme, Lea, Lindsay, Casey, my mom, brother, grandma, uncle, and myself) went out to eat, where we drank a few bottles of champagne (well, not my brother who isn't old enough, or my mom who doesn't drink). My mom, grandma, and uncle came back to my house briefly to see where I live, and then they headed back to the Napa Valley. My brother stayed with me, and the rest of us drank a bunch more wine and proceeded to get quite drunk by the end of the night. Genaro came by later, too, after his band played a show.
Casey and I crawled into bed at an unknown hour, and actually got up quite early the next morning (before 10!). We took Lea to the airport (she was spending Christmas in Orlando), and then Casey, my brother, and I got breakfast at Fox and Goose. We then lounged around the house watching movies and dozing on the couches. That night was supposed to be one of my last few serving shifts, but I got the shift covered in order to go in and eat with Casey, Kathryn, and my brother. It was fun. My brother loved our food.
The next day was Christmas eve, and we met up with my mom in Lodi to go skydiving. I don't have any pictures from that yet. It was a ton of fun, and not at all terrifying like I expected. My mom and brother agreed that it was a blast, and that they would do it again in a second.
We then headed up to my grandma's place, where I stayed until the day after Christmas. Jayme came up for Christmas dinner and stayed over, too.
My mom and brother flew back to Montana on the 27th, and I met up with them at the airport to see them off. It was fun to have them out visiting, and to have my brother hang out with a bunch of my friends.
That about covers graduation, Christmas, and my family's trip. Soon, I'll post about New Year's Eve and my new job.