Juliette Gordon Low with Penguin, paper and glue stick.
Original painting by Gordon Hughes (and it's a beaut!)
But as of about two seconds ago, I just call her Julie Go-Lo.
I was a girl scout. I was a brownie and a junior. About a month ago I tried on a pair of too-long forest green shorts which brought forth a flood of memories of that time in my life. Looking at my reflection in the dressing room mirror it occured to me that... well, first it occured to me that I looked stupid, but after that it occured to me that I should probably buy them anyway because next Halloween I pretty much need to be a zombie girl scout. Perhaps I perished in a bonfire. During a romping round of Kumbaya a flaming smore got a little too close for comfort and I went up in flames. Or, better yet, maybe my troop (741 represent!) unknowingly set up camp near an old cemetary and leaving my tent late one night (with absolutely no regard for the buddy system), I searched out a place to... you know, pee. And BAM. Zombie attack. From that point on, whenever anyone opened their door to buy cookies they got their face bitten off instead.