Crusie, Jennifer - Anyone But You

Jan 07, 2004 20:11

Older woman romance! Not only, but older woman and man ten years younger than her. I'd probably rec this book because of that factor alone, but luckily, it's also a pretty good book.

However, I didn't like it quite as much as the other Crusie's. While I did enjoy the fact that Nina was forty, recently divorced, inspired interest and was interested by a thirty year old guy, the book got a little repetitive at times dealing with that issue, which is pretty remarkable, considering how short the book is! It's one of Crusie's older category romances, this one for the Harlequin Love & Laughter title. The good is that it's funny and the atypical heroine and hero, both of whom I like. The bad is how Nina simply cannot get her mind around dating/having sex with a guy ten years younger than her. I appreciate that this is something she is concerned about, but I guess what got to me was that she kept using the exact same reason every time. She sounded a bit like a taped recording after a while. And there was a rather odd plot twist in the end concerning Alex doing something incredibly stupid for money.

So, good in general, but not really Crusie's best effort, IMHO.

ETA: I forgot to mention great dialogue, and some very funny moments. Best advice to guys: "Never wear Daffy Duck shorts to seduce a woman. You want her gasping in awe when she looks down there, not wondering how old you are." It also continues the tradition of making me really love her secondary characters, this case being Max, Alex's half-brother. Max is kind of washed out, not sure what he's doing with his life, but smart, and I kind of wanted him to get his own happy ever after.

a: crusie jennifer, books, books: romance

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