Pre-Wiscon care and feeding

May 22, 2011 23:07

I am arriving some time on Friday during the Gathering and leaving Monday afternoon.

I like saying hi to people! Although I will warn everyone that I have the attention span of a gnat and tend to switch topics mid-sentence and have a lot of "OH! I forgot!" I am also really easily distracted, which leads to a lot of "[Talk talk talk]" *turn head very suddenly* "OOOO SHINY!". This happens even more when I am excitable, which I probably will be during the con, and is completely not personal. I am also really bad at names + faces, especially in combination (i.e. associating a name with a face or vice versa). If you comment here, I may embarrassingly recognize your username + icon first! I also tend to introduce myself to everyone and assume you do not know who I am.

Hugs: I like hugs, at least from the front! Ambush-y hugs from behind, less so.

Food: I eat everything! I like eating with people! Although preferably in single-digit groups because otherwise I do not get to talk with everyone and then am sadface =(.

Name stuff: I'm signed up as my username (it's pronounced "oyster" for people who are curious, but I am used to people pronouncing the first "e"). I will respond to "Oyceter," "Oyce" and my legal name and don't have a preference for either. I'm also fine with being introduced as either during the con, although for write-ups or anything more permanent, I would prefer my username or variations thereof (or basically, Things Wot Are Not My Legal Name). Um. I know I have signed up before under legal name and associated the two, but am trying to keep them more separate now.

I will be at:
POC Safer Space
Fri. 5/27 4:30ish-5:30
For random ranting, discussion, squee, bookswapping, or smaller introductions before the big dinner! (I should hopefully have my icon on my badge, as well as some knitting, and, depending, may be ranting very loudly about Wesley Yang and Amy Chua.)

Wiscon POC dinner
Fri. 5/27 5:30 pm

Assimilation and the Immigrant Grandchild
Room 629, Sat. 5/28 1:00-2:15 pm
(May try to do overflow in the POC Safer Space after this, though no promises)

Looking Beyond the Gender Binary in Anime and Manga
Room 634, Sat. 5/28 4:00-5:15 pm

I am completely unorganized and unprepared, so I haven't checked out the schedule outside of these. Parties! Panels! Discussions! Fooding! HALP I CANNOT DECIDE!


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