
Mar 22, 2011 12:53

Ed died some time last night; I checked on him this morning to give him his medicine only to find him already gone. I am hoping he didn't suffer much. When I went to bed yesterday, he was grabbing all the lab blocks I could give him and hoarding them as he was wont to do. I'd been contemplating letting him sleep in a separate cage from the ratlings for a few days out of the week, since they are teenaged and rambunctious and keep pestering him, and I am hoping I didn't make the wrong choice, but he did seem to like them a lot when they weren't trying to flip him over. I am really, really glad I got them; they might have bugged Ed a lot, but he also gained a lot more weight once they were around and seemed much more like his old self again.

He always hoarded food like there was a coming apocalypse, and even though the ratlings bested him in the end, for a few short weeks he was the tallest rat in the cage! I also gave them an oxtail bone yesterday for lunch, which I am pretty sure made their day. Despite the ratlings conspiring to steal it from each other, I think Ed ended up with it in the end. He was gradually losing mobility in his hind legs and sometimes stuffed up, but up until yesterday night, he was still really energetic and kept trying to run off and explore or hide under my nightgown. I am probably projecting, but since it makes me feel better, I don't care: but I think Haru and Momo are a bit confused and sad that Big Rat is gone.

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