(no subject)

Dec 15, 2003 23:35

The boy and I have now rewatched the first half of TTT:EE. Then we got tired and decided it was probably best to stop watching so both of us would be awake tomorrow. The boy is really cute when he snuggles on the couch, because he's six foot some and not very flexible. I think it's really funny watching him try to curl up into a little ball, tee hee.

RotK spec (with spoilers for the end of the book... has anyone here not read the book?):

Not much, but I swear, Peter Jackson is going to turn the ending into something in which Smeagol wrests control from Gollum and bites off Frodo's finger not because he wants the ring, but because it'll be his final stab at redemption, at a chance to right the wrongs he's committed. I think this because 1) it's ten times more gut wrenching to have it be noble sacrifice instead of greedy accident and 2) look at what they're doing with Gollum's character! It would be such a waste to have it culminate in a greedy snatch for the ring.

I think mostly I view PJ's movies as a giant bit of fanfic, with tons of money and gorgeous visuals. He's doing what we do -- taking the sometimes sparsely realized characters of Tolkien's world and trying to work out motivations and emotions in his head, then adding a little here and there to make it make sense. I think he was extremely successful with rewriting/revisioning Faramir's character. I loved Faramir in the books, still do, but this Faramir is interesting to me in and of himself in a way that he never was in the books. This one has issues and trauma and compassion -- I love his little speech about the fallen soldier in TTT, esp. since there is always a little part of my brain slightly disturbed by the black and white good/evil split in Tolkien. Not quite as fond of Eowyn in the extended scenes. She feels a little too girlish to me when I feel she should be brittle, at the breaking point. But then, there are scenes like Theodred's funeral and her sword practice. Mmmm.

Yay!! RotK tomorrow!!

And we are having dinner with some business school people who are still here and apparently going to a bar later where they have weekly trivia games! How cool is that? (I'm a total dork ^_^)

movies, movies: lotr

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