I drove down yesterday with a friend from school. Six hours passes remarkably quickly when you reminisce about going to schools where you clean and wear school uniforms and have all the same dorky festivals in high school shoujo manga. Of course, singing along to all of Rent and Wicked and Les Miserables helps as well!
rachelmanija was on call that night but luckily was not called out, so we hung around, ate Fatburger (why do more burger places not have fried egg?), and rewatched the episode of Project Runway that involves the hardware store.
Both of us nearly fell off the sofa laughing every time the camera panned back to poor Emilio attempting desperately to recount his washers in the hope that they had miraculously mated with each other and multiplied. Alas, this was not the case. Also, both of us noted that in addition to the terms milkmaid, diaper, jock strap, chicken thighs, sofa, bridesmaid, prom, Las Vegas, elementary school project, maxi pad, and stewardess, the term "cat in a baby sling" is one of those things you never want said about your outfit.
I then showed Rachel My Girlfriend Is a Secret Agent (7급 공무원), a spy comedy I watched largely because 1) spies! and 2) Kang Ji-Hwan! Amazingly, I largely approve of the gender politics, as Lee Jae-Joon (Kang Ji-Hwan's character) is pretty much The Girl despite becoming a spy. We also rolled around on the sofa more as Kang Ji-Hwan demonstrated his total and utter commitment to looking like a complete fool on screen. I haven't watched many movies of late, as Hollywood has demonstrated a total and utter commitment to pissing me off, but this one both does not piss me off and makes me crack up continuously.
After this, we realized there was enough time to get Beard Papa while letting Tivo record the American Idol results show, so we hied off to Beard Papa. And! When we were there, a bulgogi taco truck was parked nearby! It was sadly not Kogi, but after we nearly got run over crossing the street, we managed to plead with the guy to squeeze in two more orders, one for a pork taco and one for a kimchi quesadilla. The taco smelled divine and tasted wonderful, and the kimchi quesadilla came with this awesome sauce that made the entire thing. Why do they not have these in Bay Area? There is a market hole that needs to be filled!
Amazingly, the shower has not clogged, the toilet has not overflowed, we are not infested with pantry moths or fleas, none of my rats have taken ill, there have been no medical emergencies, and mice caught in glue traps have not fallen down from the ceiling loft. Since it was too much to ask to have an entirely pest-free trip, right as I was settling in to read A Conspiracy of Kings, I saw a giant black blob moving across Rachel's ceiling out of the corner of my eye. Since Jody was not here to save us, I made Rachel whack at it. Alas, rather than killing it, the spider simply dropped down to the floor, where it is lurking about, probably planning on a reappearance tonight while we are sleeping unaware...
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