This continues to be a fun albeit typical high school shoujo series, although the past few volumes have a few too many moments that make the characters act stupidly for the sake of the plot for me.
Spoilers worry about entrance exams
I'm very glad the Mighty arc is shorter than I expected! I feel like it occupies a lot more space in the movie, which kind of creeped me out.
After a few misunderstandings, Risa and Otani are officially dating! Of course, since this is high school shoujo, this means more misunderstandings or obstacles must come in.
Cue: the other girl and the other guy!
The Other Girl, Mimi, is of course the opposite of Risa, except in terms of height. She's gorgeous and acts sweet around Otani, although the sweetness is a bit of a facade. Thankfully, there is not too much rivalry, and I like how she keeps getting tricked into sympathizing with Risa. And I loved the scene with her, Otani, and Risa at the arcade, in which she finally gets why Otani likes Risa. Mutual gaming for the win!
The Other Guy, Kohori, is so far boring. And since he is the Other Guy, not the Other Girl, there aren't fits of jealousy with Otani or random "She should love meeee instead!" Oh shoujo. I love you, but sometimes...
ETA: Also, Risa deciding to go to the Umibouzu concert with him even though there have already been two misunderstandings is so stupid! At least the manga acknowledges it, but still!
And then, Otani decides he wants to go to college despite his terrible grades, meaning the obligatory chapters about entrance exams! I'm a little curious as to how far the manga will go: there are 7 more volumes, right? I hope it follows them beyond high school graduation. I'm a little tired of all the high school manga in which the couple gets together and you never find out what happens after graduation, because I feel that's when the biggest changes will happen!
It's odd, because for Fruits Basket, I actually do believe many of the main couples will make it past high school (ex. Tohru and Kyo, Haru and Rin, even Machi and Yuki, though the last stretches my belief a little). But much of that is because they get to know each other under very trying circumstances that probably won't be replicated later. Whereas here, although I do believe that Risa and Otani genuinely like each other, that like seems to be based on shared interests and personality, all of which can change past high school.
Don't spoil me though! I enjoy the speculation.
In conclusion: fluffy and cute (I will never get tired of Risa and Otani geeking out about video games and Umibouzu together) but a little like spun sugar. I think I would have enjoyed it much more had I not read it after the emotional depth of Fruits Basket.
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