Nov 20, 2003 23:47

Well, after watching pretty much all the appendices, I finally sat myself down and ran through the extended edition, sans commentary. And I can see why most of the stuff was cut. I mean, it was nice to have and all, but not really necessary. But I really do with that they had kept in the Boromir, Faramir and Denethor scene, because now their Faramir totally makes sense to me, and I really heart him right now.

You can just see shades of Wesley in this guy, except with the complication of having another sibling, deeply loved, who is the favorite. And the twist the writing team put on it, having Denethor really want Boromir to go get the Ring, the thing he thought would bring Gondor back its glory days, to have Boromir be reluctant, and to have poor Faramir volunteer, only to be sneered at... guh. I can just anticipate the sheer guilt of Denethor and of Faramir, the "should have been me." And having Faramir echo Denethor's words to Frodo and Sam made it even more heart-breaking. Wow, I so grok Faramir now.

I also can't remember if Eowyn's empassioned speech to Aragorn at Helm's Deep, asking him to let her fight by his side, was in the original. I really liked that scene too, words out of the book (not sure if it was in that context?), and really got Eowyn's character.

Hrm. Might actually like this Faramir more than the book's. Wow. I mean, Wesley issues! How am I to resist?

movies, movies: lotr

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