Yun Mi-Kyung - Bride of the Water God, vol. 03-04 (Chi. trans.)

Jan 29, 2009 20:53

Ohhhh, it's nice how it's so much easier to figure things out when one reads two volumes at a time, as opposed to waiting a year or so in between volumes.

Apologies, my spellings of all the names are off as my volumes are elsewhere and I am not sure if Wiki's are the same as the English translation's.

I also reread vols. 1 and 2 when I got back to the US, so it's nice to see that the Nakbin storyline was indeed introduced fairly early on, and I had just forgotten because a) my memory sucks, and b) long time between releases.

I was very surprised by the Soah-returns-home storyline, and I do hope that she'll soon find out that Mui is Habaek, as the not knowing is getting dragged out a little too long for my interest. And the emperor? What? Is he Habaek's father and the husband of Seo Wang-Mo (sp?) or is he a different person? I also have no idea why he is going around as Nakbin, except that he is clearly cruel.

Also, more backstory! I had originally misread it that Murah killed Nakbin, which would have been annoying on the female rivalry side, but also kind of cool on the angst side. Plus, I want her to have something to do, as opposed to standing around, being cryptic, and not-so-secretly pining for Habaek. But it was Huye instead, huh.

Woe! I want these out in English now, as I am sure it will make more sense than in Chinese, since I have a hard time figuring out who is saying what.

sequential art, manhwa: bride of the water god, a: yun mi-kyung, manhwa

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