Oct 04, 2008 23:13
I have new ratties! One is a berkshire agouti (brownish with a white tummy, looks a lot like Ruki) and one is a hooded agouti (brownish head and stripe on back, white everywhere else).
Unfortunately, I tried to let Ren sniff at them when I was holding him. He was very well-behaved at first, and then he lunged and sank his teeth in my finger. Better my finger than the new rats at least...
Alas, my finger started dripping blood (any recommendations on how to get blood out of carpet?), and then it started to swell up. In a panic, I attempted to locate my new insurance information and find a doctor that was open on the weekend. Let me just say, typing is really hard when one is attempting to not bleed all over the sofa and one cannot move one's right index finger.
Thankfully, I found a nearby urgent care, they amazingly located my insurance info with just my name and the name of the insurance company, and then the doctor ruled out infection, saying that infections just didn't happen that fast. His best guess is that I'm having an allergic reaction. Right now, the swelling has spread so my index finger looks like a giant sausage, and about a fourth of my palm is swollen as well. Also, it freaking HURTS.
The worst bit is, I can only really blame myself for getting between a rat fight and for trying to introduce Ren too soon.
murphy strikes again,