Helix stories archive

Jul 21, 2008 05:09

Back in Taiwan! Oh sweet internet, never leave me again!

Anyway, I'm horribly late to the party for this, but hopefully this will still be useful. If someone else is already doing an archive or collection, er, just ignore me...

I'm guessing most people have been following what's been going on re: Helix and William Sanders, but in case not, here's some context.

I'm not sure how useful this will be, since most authors have their own website, but if anyone's willing, I have web space and am willing to host stories pulled from Helix. I'd also really like to put together an archive with links to all the pulled stories, possibly also with a brief explanation of the situation and quotes from authors if they'd like (all optional, of course).

The hitch is, I'm traveling around until the end of August, but if people are willing to wait that long to see something go up, please let me know!

Feel free to spread the word and link to this wherever, or to email me at oyceter at gmail if you have any questions. Help finding authors who did pull stories would be very welcome as well-I feel awful about making people do the work, but I haven't been online for the past week or so, and so haven't been following comments and forums.


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