Mars, ep. 15-20

Jul 12, 2008 22:36

Wow, I really love this drama. It does have many of the same flaws that the manga does, as it largely follows the same plot, but the script and the actors make some small changes that end up making me much happier about the plot and the characterization. The drama is also much tighter than the manga and less sensational and gothic, so in the end, the focus on Ling and Qi Luo as a couple and as individuals is tighter.

I'd rec this for people who love the manga, with a note that the drama doesn't get rid of all the gender issues, and I'd definitely rec this to people looking for a good, solid romance. I am probably more invested than people new to the series would be, but I think the drama alone does a good job of showing the stages of a relationship that come after the meet-cute. Though there are many of the same Big Misunderstandings that come with romantic dramas, my favorite part about the series is that Ling and Qi Luo amazingly talk to each other and trust each other, as opposed to leaping to conclusions. I also adore Qi Luo's friendship with another girl, and though many of their conversations are about romance, there's also the feel that it's a good, solid friendship that goes beyond talking about boys.

Spoilers for all the manga and the drama

Wow, so they handled the breakup fairly well, considering that in the manga, it makes me want to repeatedly whap Rei over the head with a giant stick. I still think he's a dumbass for going out and partying, dating another girl, and trying to sleep with yet another, but I like the drama Ling is much more candid about how he's still thinking about Qi Luo and in love with her the entire time.

I also am SO GLAD they cut that line about him looking at happy couples holding hands and saying how Kira thinks that's all violence that's in the manga, since a) NOT TRUE, as demonstrated via Kira's definite willingness to hug Rei, b) stupid overgeneralization, and c) ARGH all the assumptions on how someone should think and feel after being raped!

I like that Ling in the drama rescues Qi Luo from assault and harrassment three times instead of five (two random street incidences in the manga). I mean, clearly I wish Qi Luo did more rescuing herself, but at least the number has gone down. And her reaction to the first incidence of sexual assault from her teacher was very believable to me (the next two times of threatening Qi Luo on the roof still feel a bit gratuitous).

I am also glad that Ling's reason for the break up is less about sex and physical intimacy and more about trust; adding the line "What about me?" to Qi Luo's "My stepfather is the only person we can rely on now" makes me more sympathetic toward Ling. I mean, still not the best supportive reaction to your girlfriend living with her abuser, but much less WTF-worthy than "Now I will break up with you because I cannot deal with being helpless," to which my reaction was: "Suck up and deal, asshat. Guess how Kira feels?"

Ditto with slightly changing the reason for Ling sleeping over elsewhere the first night Qi Luo moves in. I wanted to whap manga Rei SO MUCH for being all "But I am a guy and I cannot possibly sleep next to my girlfriend without losing control sexually" and to tell him to suck it up and deal and that amazingly, he could control himself sexually and that even more amazingly, a case of blue balls wouldn't kill him. Also, having Qi Luo ask rationally to have sex because she's tired of being afraid and skittish works so much better than having a hysterical Kira offer her body up for sex just to have company through the night. Amazing, that! I am sad about the no nudity on TV rule, as I liked the scenes in the manga and the sense of awkwardness that's always there the first few times you have sex.

Other minor changes I like: Qing Mei getting to yell at Ling for breaking up with Qi Luo as well, which is a really nice change from her early behavior in the series; Qing Mei and Qi Luo hugging over the veil; and Qi Luo talking about love as binding vs. love as freeing.

I'm sort of sad they cut lots of scenes of Qi Luo and Ling first living together and Qi Luo getting bored hanging around the house by herself, but glad on the other hand that there's not as much focus on Qi Luo doing housework. She does about the same amount, I think, but it's less commented on narratively. And at least Ling dries dishes.

I sort of wish they had changed the last shot of the series, which is of the race track and feels entirely too Ling-focused.

My favorite change, though? Is when Qi Luo hits her stepfather over the head and thinks she kills him. In the manga, Kira clocks him (literally, hee) and knocks him out, then runs out thinking he's dead. In the drama, Qi Luo hits him with a metal sculpture, and after he falls down and clearly can't stop her from running off, she gets this look on her face and hits him over the head again. OMG it is awesome. I mean, I do not advocate violence as a solution in real life! But I was so happy that she got an active moment of hate and violence and darkness. The manga gives her the scene in which she refuses to stop Rei from killing her stepfather, but I love that the drama has her being violent!

In conclusion: love Ling, absolutely adore Qi Luo, and am tempted to watch the entire thing again.

tv: mars, recs: tv, tv, tv: cdrama

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