Food, Red Cliff, knitting, and Ooku picture!

Jul 09, 2008 09:06

Even more random things:

  1. I forgot how noisy summers here are; the cicadas hum day and night, the buzz so constant that it becomes background noise after a few minutes. I remember how much I laughed when New Jersey was making a big deal over cicada season there, which apparently only happens once every seventeen years. They can have the cicadas! ( Read more... )

trips: taiwan 2008, food, manga: ooku, movies, picture spam

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chomiji July 9 2008, 16:34:29 UTC

Re cicadas in the Garden State: Naaah, they have cicadas every year, just like we do in MD. You can hear them singing all the time. But periodically, there's a population burst, and there are so many that you can't walk without stepping on the poor, pitiful, horrid things (more than you ever wanted to know about this topic right here). This phenomenon doesn't occur in the Western U.S.

That pork-and-water-chestnut ball in soup looks quite like a matzah ball!


telophase July 9 2008, 17:22:22 UTC
If the Taiwanese cicadas are anything like the Japanese ones they are so loud THAT YOU ALMOST HAVE TO TALK LIKE THIS TO BE HEARD OVER THEM! I'm used to cicadas, because they have them in the area of Texas I live in, but the sheer volume surprised me there. :D


tavella July 9 2008, 17:56:12 UTC
And the noise! You can't even talk outside at times, it's just a wall of sound.


chomiji July 12 2008, 15:17:51 UTC
Yeah, I am guessing the cicada population in Taiwan is up there, since you can hear them all the time and they're so amazingly loud! It's this constant wall of MIN MIN MIN MIIIIIIIIIIN.


oyceter July 12 2008, 15:41:46 UTC
Argh, that was me!


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