Why Why Love, ep. 06-10

Jun 19, 2008 11:00

Er, I succumbed to the cute...

Also, it helped a lot that standard drama romance fluffiness took center stage. The class issues are obviously still there, but more on your standard romance level than on the very realistic yet very not portrayal in the first few episodes.

I am still somewhat amazed that the drama has managed to make me forget about Jia Di's family's tens of thousands of dollars of debt. Okay, not really, since I know I am the biggest sap ever. Getting Jia Di's mother off screen in a plausible manner helped a lot, as did the plot hijinks that made Jia Di stay over at Huo Da's for a few days. The plot hijinks themselves did not seem that hijink-y when they were happening, but the aftermath was very standard shoujo, which meant my brain just went with the trope. I am sad that Jia Di is now more of your typical heroine, though I still love that the best way to cheer her up is to get her riled up about something.

Also, Huo Da managed to win me over more by paying for Jia Di's uncle's hospital bill quietly. And the actor is really just ridiculously charming. I am even beginning to fall for his hair, at least when it's shot straight on, as opposed to the views of the ridiculously feathered sides and back. Huo Da now reads more as a childlike guy who has a bad temper but comes through for Jia Di no matter what, and all his jokes are sort of stupid, and yet incredibly cute. Possibly I was felled by the pink toothbrush, wheelchair antics in the rain, him stumbling around on his broken leg to find Jia Di when he hears her house has been beset by gangsters, or his self-defeating, clumsy, yet endearing attempts to get his brother and Jia Di together.

Huo Yan, sadly, has fallen somewhat in my estimation, as this is now the second time he has fallen for a Big Misunderstanding. Also, his actions under Big Misunderstanding were just cruel. On the other hand, I burst out laughing when the writers tried to get the audience to like him again by giving him a traumatic childhood.

He was a bastard child! Sold by his mother to his ultra-rich family! Woes! I so called Jia Di's mom's friend as his mom.

I would feel more sympathetic for Yan Shu were it not for her habit of sitting in the car and thinking at a green light, because I am petty and road-rage-ful like that. Also, it would be nice if she didn't immediately think poorly of other women vying for the Huo brothers. On the plus side, I really like Jia Di's relationship with Xiao Nan. I doubt it will pass the Bechdel test, but they feel like good friends with a lot of history. I also liked that Jia Di did not give in to the tragic childhood story, although she walked off for much less selfish reasons than I would have preferred.

And now! Jia Di and Huo Yan officially date! I anticipate much lack of chemistry between the two and much angsting from Huo Da and Yan Shu, both of whom will make poor attempts to hide it and possibly date each other as a subconscious attempt to make the other two jealous. I am really hoping that the two brothers don't end up fighting over Jia Di, although I bet that's what's going to happen anyway.

So: Devil Beside You. Same cast, good reviews... worth a watch?

tv, tv: why why love, tv: cdrama

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