The art is so bad! The characters are so horrifying! The premise is so insane! And yet, I borrowed volumes 3 and 4 from Rachel anyway.
Sadly, I read volume 3 at Mariposa, so I cannot quote the most insane bits. I suspect the one that had me boggling the most was (one male character re: another) "I won't let anyone fuck my bitch! He's mine!"
This would not be amiss coming from a villain, but in an OH JOHN RINGO NO manner, it is supposed to be taken as very romantic.
There were probably also multiple references to womb worms that I read aloud to anyone who would listen (I feel the bogglement must be spread around), but I have thankfully wiped them from my brain.
Volume 3 contains a rather sweet story about a mongoose and a snake, complete with a womb worm in a condom -- probably the Zoomen's way of sticking a pin through a condom. Sadly, the rest of the volume is about Norio and Kunimasa, both of whom I care nothing about, as Norio is annoying, whiny, spineless, and his face contorts in a grotesquely Play-Doh-esque fashion when he has strong emotions (which is almost always), and Kunimasa is the person who said above quote.
Volume 4 continues with them, but thankfully, the second half has another strangely sweet story about Kunimasa's parents. Or his father. Or his mother. Or his father and his brother's mother. I would like to note here that both of them are men, for those of you as confused as me, and it leads to situations like this:
HIDEKUNI: There's a woman in the family by the name of Makio Madarame. She's Kunimasa and Yonekuni's "mother."
NORIO: What? I thought the landlady was their mother.
HIDEKUNI: No, not her. She's Shinobu and Manami's mother. Makio is Kunimasa and Yonekuni's "mother" and Shinobu and Manami's "father."
Kotobuki thoughtfully includes a family tree later, for which I thank her.
But, complicated family trees are not the problem! The problem is that Kunimasa's mother is .... a prostitute mediator!
Every time I think the series cannot get weirder, it does. And then it weirds me out further by having a badly-drawn but largely normal, non-rape-like, not-overly-misogynistic story at the end!
In conclusion: BZUH?
coniraya! This is the insane animals-as-humans mpreg series I was telling you about!