Icon for the wrong series, but right mangaka at least...?
Volume four is the continuing adventures of Tokitoh and Kubota, in which Tokitoh gets jealous and Kubota is scary.
Also, wow! Another woman! Who isn't the bitchy, jealous woman! I hope we get to see more of Anna later in the series, though I'm not sure that will actually happen.
I continue to be amused by Tokitoh's complete lack of anything resembling common sense and scared by Kubota. Kubota is scary. And very messed up. Not that this came as a surprise, but I wanted to reconfirm.
Now I want tough female yakuza bosses who are wreathed in clouds of cigarette smoke and dressed in sharply tailored pinstripe suits.
Also, I awwww-ed at the end. Leaning! Heads on shoulders! In a comforting manner, not in a decapitated head manner!