Gundam Wing, ep. 16-20

Nov 06, 2007 12:35

I have successfully addicted rachelmanija to Gundam Wing ( Read more... )

anime, cracktasticness, anime: gundam wing

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Comments 25

keelieinblack November 6 2007, 21:00:17 UTC
GWing was my very first anime ever

Gosh, me too! Back in the days of fansubs-on-tape, which meant there was almost always a delay of several weeks between batches of episodes. The panicking over some of those cliffhangers was awful.

These recaps of yours and Rachel's are great--I was much too young and fangirlish at the time to really appreciate the insane plotting and politics.


oyceter November 6 2007, 21:22:32 UTC
Oh man. You have no idea how many hours I spent on the series in the past just trying to decipher the plot! I think at one point I had even come up with the entire alternate history stretching back to the Opium War on how the Earth Alliance had come about.


rachelmanija November 6 2007, 21:57:39 UTC
I have to go to a doctor's appt now, but just want to say that I am sitting in a cafe, one of their public computers next to other users, weeping with laughter. I think the other users think I am a crazy Gundam pilot person.


oyceter November 6 2007, 22:00:44 UTC
Mission accomplished.

/Heero voice


fmanalyst November 6 2007, 22:44:11 UTC
I can't stop laughing either, which is a good thing because I'm having a shitty week and a bad thing because I have a sore throat. Gundam Wing was my second anime, and I didn't realize at the time just how cracktastic it was.


oyceter November 6 2007, 23:18:04 UTC
Always glad to entertain! Plus, it's so hard not to with crack like this.


rachelmanija November 6 2007, 22:00:52 UTC
Also love that after a great deal of build-up, Heero's injured arm has absolutely no effect on the plot other than giving him many opportunities to wince dramatically, and Trowa many opportunities to express concern and affection.


oyceter November 6 2007, 22:34:13 UTC
Of course! He can't be prevented from actually doing important plot stuff, like jumping out of random Gundams or rescuing Duo!


slithytove November 7 2007, 18:48:35 UTC
You're familiar with the Laws of Anime?

I refer you to Law 16, Third Corollary:

"Whenever a 'Good Guy' is actually hit by enemy fire, it is in a designated 'Good Guy Area', usually a flesh wound in the shoulder or arm, which restricts the 'Good Guy' from doing anything more strenuous than driving, firing weaponry, using melee weapons, operating heavy machinery, or doing complex martial arts maneuvres."

The Laws of Anime long antedate Gundam Wing, and some of them are no longer true. I haven't seen a bad guy radiate beams of light just before exploding in *years*. But some, such as Law 16, may last forever.


rachelmanija November 7 2007, 19:26:34 UTC
You! Stop making me laugh so loudly in a cafe that everyone turns to stare at the crazy woman!

Re: beams of light just before exploding: You must not having been watching Heroes last year.


smillaraaq November 7 2007, 04:45:15 UTC
I just want to take a moment to thank both of you, because I have been sick and miserable for the last few days and reading these reviews have been some of the high points of the week. Now I don't know if I want to rush out and rent a bunch of GW, or if the crack of the show itself can't possibly live up to the lolarity of the reviews. :)


I live to serve rachelmanija November 7 2007, 05:59:51 UTC
It is astounding how much the actual show surpasses the reviews! For example, in this disc alone, both Oyce and I forgot to mention a Zero-G Bok Choy of D00M.

If you try it, I recommend at least sticking it out till episode 3, because I think that's the one where Heero unbuckles his parachute so he can fall to his death.

All the same, it's probably best enjoyed in the company of someone to snark to.

PS. Are you the same smillaraaq who BookMooched "Chevalier d'Eon" from me? If so, enjoy the palms/psalms/palmss!


Re: I live to serve smillaraaq November 7 2007, 06:26:14 UTC
VEGETABLES of DOOM! Oh dear oh dear. And I have nobody to share the snark with except my little dog, too, and she's already convinced I'm quite insane.

(And yes, guilty as charged! After seeing all the talk of the PALMSS of DOOM RANDOM SPELLING, I couldn't resist a sample of the good crack. Thanks so much, I'll be diving into that as soon as I finish some recently Mooched Gravitation, which I think is on a meth-and-sugar high instead of crack.)


Re: I live to serve oyceter November 7 2007, 06:43:54 UTC
BWAH! You are going to meet the palmss/psalms/whatever killing of random virgins! I am very much looking forward to what you think. It is SO INSANE!


jiawen November 7 2007, 08:31:41 UTC
How hard is the science in the show, if I can ask? People have occasionally told me I should get into Gundam, and specifically Gundam Wing, if I like hard SF, but they told me the same thing about Gunbuster, and I couldn't handle it.


rachelmanija November 7 2007, 17:24:39 UTC

I'm not sure that any mecha show is big on the hard science. You might enjoy Planetes, but that's not really mecha.


(The comment has been removed)

jiawen November 8 2007, 19:16:28 UTC
That's kinda what I'd heard: if you accept the conceit that mecha are useful and usable, then the rest kinda makes sense. Still, it's good to get a second opinion!


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