Heroes 2x05 Fight or Flight

Oct 22, 2007 22:57

Oh, I am so easy. But honestly! Monica! Monica is the awesome! She got to watch BRUCE LEE!

Ok, I will squee more about the Dawson-Hawkins storyline later and get the not-so-great out of the way first.

First: Great, first you make me dislike Claire's storyline and what it's doing to her character, and now you're making me dislike Hiro's. Don't get me wrong, I hated the white Kensei storyline from the start, but at least Hiro was still cute and sweet and enthusiastic and Hiro-like. Now I feel like we're just watching the Magical Asian Helps White Guy show! At least Yaeko got to go along for the fight, though I detest how she's hanging on to Kensei and totally just The Girl. And I want more Hiro personality! He shouldn't be the freaking secondary character!

Also also, because I nitpick like that, the voiceovers don't match the snippets Ando has. On the other hand, they include most of the vocab on the snippet (I didn't have time to read the whole thing), so I suspect Masi Oka or someone on the show wrote out the snippets and then elaborated on the dialogue. It is a small thing, but it makes me happy (*cough*Firefly's wrong Chinese*cough*).

Mohinder's being stupid again! Whyyyyy? And I'm so sick of seeing Niki in hospitals and/or mental institutions.

I'm intrigued by Mr. Parkman and what's going on, and he's so Mastermind from X-Men! Now I am wondering if Matt will go all Dark Phoenix on him and burn his brain out. Sadly, given Matt's proclivities, something horrible and wrong would probably happen.

Poor Molly. I suspect she may have more common sense than both of her dads combined.

Oh Nathan. Oh Matt. You guys have issues! I loved the further hammering in of Matt's daddy issues; maybe when he and Mohinder make up, they can bond over it.

Am still a bit meh over the Peter storyline, though I'm glad they didn't drag out the box thing for too long. And hey! Veronica Mars! She and her dad are totally Claire and Noah mirrors! Well, I can hope! I like the various paralleling of generations: Nathan and Angela, Matt and Mr. Parkman and baby Matt and Molly, Mohinder and Chandra and Molly, Veronica Mars and her dad (Bob?), Niki and Micah, Kaito and Hiro, Claire and Noah, maybe Monica and her mom and Nana Dawson (I hope so!). I should probably have something more intelligent to say about it, but instead I just make flappy hand motions and yell, "Parallels! Somewhere!"

Am so very, very glad there was no Claire this week. How sad is that?

And! MONICA! I have so much love! So much! I love her and Micah's interactions, I love both of them discovering her powers together, I love the trust and the affection and bonding over missing moms. I'm also really liking how they're giving us bits and pieces of Monica's life, like the snippet about her being the first in her family to go to college and her mom playing the piano. I also really like that the cop was black as well, and that a lot of what we see of the neighborhood is black.

And! OMG! A woman! With a proactive power! And she's actually doing something with it! Or, hopefully will be, provided that Mohinder doesn't hurt her! Mohinder, I will beat your over the head with a large blunt object if you hurt her.

Anyway, yay Monica and Micah!

tv: heroes, tv

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