Heroes 2x02 Lizards

Oct 01, 2007 22:47

Oh show, why do you mock us? Whhhhyyyyyyy?! At least I was not the only one who had a quick whiplash moment when Mohinder called his boss Bob.

I think this was in general a very whiplashy episode for me:

  • Kaito is actually dead, woe!
  • Angela is awesome, yay!
  • Maya's powers are evil, woe!
  • Hiro nearly drowns Kensei, yay!
  • We have a magic-wielding Latina healer, woe!
  • Hiro dons Kensei's mask and kicks ass, yay!
  • Stupid plotline involving threatening YET ANOTHER woman, woe!
  • Yaeko kicks ass, yay!
  • We hear about someone dying in Haiti, woe! (and I swear I will throw something at the TV if Bob dies)
  • Mohinder cures Bob, yay!
  • Maya has goopy black eyes of DOOM and only her brother can save her, woe!
  • Mohinder and Noah play The Other Bob, yay!
  • West is skanky, woe!
  • Claire is awesome, yay!
  • Claire cuts off her toe, ewwww!
  • Kensei dies, yay! (oh shush. I like David Anders, but today the show is making me very grumpy about race and gender)
  • Kensei regenerates, woe!

Ad nauseum.

More seriously though, while the race issues were still there in the background, wow, hello there gender issues! Angela was made of win (OMG. Someone please write past Angela/Kaito fic like now?), but then we get woman incapable of doing anything without male help (Maya), creepy stalker West who I think the show is trying to tell me I should like, except he is creepy like whoa and doesn't Claire have a problem with him, you know, standing there staring into her living room? And of course, Peter rescues a helpless woman! Yaeko was cool, but still had to be rescued, and right now her role largely seems to be the motivation for Kensei. Oh show, why? Yaeko as prize wouldn't bug me as much because she did sword-fight, only there was all that other stuff too.

On the other hand, I squeed at the shot of Mohinder, Molly and Matt, and I squeed immensely at Mohinder, Intl. Spy of Mystery!


Alas, nameless. But maybe now that he is teamed up with Mr. Bennet (I just can't seem to think of him as "Noah") and Mohinder, he can be on the show more! Please show?

Hiro continues to be made of win, and I love him and his heart on a sleeve so very much. You have no idea how pissed off I will be if Kensei ends up getting the girl and walking off with the glory. I doubt they'll do that to Hiro now that they've done him donning the mask, but who knows... I wish I had more faith in the show, but right now, not so much.

Claire also continues to be made of win, though I couldn't watch her cut off her toe. I mean, ew! That said, I love the little moments they're throwing in for Claire, particularly the moments between Claire and her mom. Claire and Mr. Bennet always have awesome moments (I love the entire scene when she tells him about the car), but not so much with Claire and her mom. I'm really glad Mrs. Bennet is more active now and holding Mr. Bennet up to his promises; here's to hoping that continues.

On the other hand, West's comment about "Yeah, it's written by some Indian guy. I can't even pronounce the name" would have made me throw stuff at him even if I hadn't already disliked him for creepy stalkerness. Honestly. "Chandra Suresh." Four syllables! No letters like "x" or "z"! How difficult is that, asshat?

tv: heroes, tv

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