
Aug 29, 2003 21:08

First day of the job was interesting. I was a little bored. Well, not quite bored, but also not quite sure what to do with myself. It's very difference from ibanking and school where there are define deadlines. Instead, there are the shelves that are mine, and I just kind of watch over them. And they are a mess! No organization at all =(. So either I do itsy bitsy things, or else I rehaul the entire thing! I shall commence upon rehauling tomorrow. And it's just an interesting feeling, that no one is really watching me all the time. It's nice. It's much better than having people breathing down my neck to get things done ASAP and not having time to teach me. I also find it ironic that part of my section is business books! I keep looking at them and giggilng to myself. I've also got the section on linguistics and languages and writing because I can do the Chinese and Japanese. Even ran into a Japanese lady in the aisles and got to practice for a little ^_^. And wow, there are lots of books in there!

Reading the thread on Buffy's Slayer duties (thanks to knullabulla for the heads up), and wow. Weird. Strangely, part of what I find offensive is the idea that Buffy at 15 couldn't possibly be making her own choices and have the judgment to evaluate things, oh no, she must be brainwashed. While I realize I was not the paragon of adulthood at 15, there were some things I was very set on, like humanities, not being an engineer or anything practical, on my books, on sci-fi/fantasy. And those are pretty minor things compared to Slaying, but I've very rarely if ever turned from them. And I think if someone who is fifteen can do that and fight with her parents and pretty much everyone who thought humanities were stupid to keep taking English and to do fuzzy things, someone like Buffy, who is definitely not short on willpower, can probably figure out that really, having a fun time at the mall is no real compensation for being able to prevent people from being killed. Not even the majority of people, yes, but she knew that every time she went out there to correct something, that would be one more potential death erased. Plus, Buffy fought the Council tooth and nail and never went with their code of sacrificing the individual for the goal after Angel.

Another note: read Connie Brockway's All Through the Night yesterday, having bought it after browsing through melymbrosia's book recs. And guh. That book is to blame for my getting five hours of sleep last night. It doesn't feel like a stereotypical romance at all; instead there's this almost dreamy, drowsy sense. Everything is quiet, muted, unlike the sometimes too cute or too dramatic romances, except there's this harsh current of strong emotion running underneath the entire thing. I loved how Brockway showed how tortured and angsty the hero and heroine were not by having the hero be an arrogant jerk or having the heroine be frozen off by sex, but by showing how delicate they had to be in their interactions and how everything spilled out when they hurt. This is what I like about good romance, that in the end, it isn't the plot, because the plot of this one was rather weak. But at the best of times, romances can work as a great character study -- I guess almost the opposite of books like Angels and Demons, huh.

Plus, the chair scenes? GUH.

a: brockway connie, books, tv, books: romance, tv: buffy, personal

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