I am having entirely too much fun spamming
kate_nepveu in her post on
European colonialism. Ok, there is a ton of discussion on Christian theology going on in the comments as well, which is very interesting, but it does not make me quite as "happy happy bouncy eeeeeee I miss my college major" as the talk about colonialism, seminal changes in modern history that widened the impact of colonialism (modern being in the past few centuries), race theory, Guns, Germs and Steel, the development of the modern idea of the nation, and all that fun stuff.
I really need to reread Imagined Communities. And finally get around to reading Said's Orientalism.
Also, while I don't watch Supernatural at all, I had lots of fun with
loligo's post on
SPN 2x03 and the multiple ways the show isn't really challenging classism, racism or sexism.
coffeeandink also has
weekly episode writeups that include a census of female characters and characters of color.