More Stargate!

Jul 03, 2003 11:48

I have binged on many more Stargate episodes (well, 5, but in one day, that's a good solid number). Am still enjoying it greatly, although, probably thanks to Buffy, I keep expecting some unhappy endings, where people die or people can't be saved or whatnot. For some reason, both Ben Browder of FS and Michael Shanks in SG remind me of Tom Cruise! It's strange.

Jack still cool. Teal'c as well. I want Teal'c fic now, because it's interesting looking at redemption and whatnot from this angle instead of in the Buffyverse with Angel. And... I think Stargate is somehow a simpler universe than the Buffyverse and Angel as well, but because of that, it's almost more homey feeling. I have no idea if that made sense. And I like the episodicness of the show, I like how it's a new planet every episode, with new things, and all. I'm pretty sure there's going to be an arc in there somewhere, but I'm kind of hoping that it won't take over the show. I loved the mytharc of X-Files until it just got too strange and complicated to ever figure out. And XF had some quality monster of the week episodes. I loved the early Angel episodes with their different cases, and I still kind of miss that show sometimes. But then, what Angel's evolved to is also spectacularly good, so I'm happy both ways. But still kind of sad that they kind of lost the detective agency along the way. And with FS, I'm still waiting for it to get arcy, because I don't so much like the individual episodes right now. There's something a little off about the characters interacting in there that don't make the MotW ones as fun to watch... I think it's because the Angel crew, Mulder and Scully and SG-1 are all teams. The FS people aren't... and while I like that aspect, how everyone can be at each other's throats, I like the feeling of camaraderie and trust that's in the first three as well.

And now on Sam, because I like her. Yeah, I know, I often am guilty of liking a character because she's the only female character. But I do like Sam. And now I want Sam-fic in which Sam thinks about things, because I think she's interesting. I like how she's very second in command, how she's the really practical one on the team. Teal'c's got the stoic warrior thing going, and the want to atone (I've only seen up to Singularity of the first season so far) I think. Daniel's the kind of idealistic guy who also really hates the Goa'uld. And Sam often gets to be the voice of reason and compromise. She just feels very steady to me, and she just seems like a Very Nice Person. I like Dr. Fraser a lot too and her no-nonsenseness. Mostly I like how the show doesn't treat them as the Token Females, although there are definitely episodes that do (i.e. Hathor! Emancipation!). But mostly Sam is just a trusted member of the team and Dr. Fraser is the good doctor. *sigh* This show is making me miss X-Files and the Mulder/Scully partnership. I wasn't really into the fandom then, I was just reading fic. But I heard about the noromos, and even though I was an avid shipper at the time, just the tight friendship or connection that the two had was my favorite part. And that held the show up through all the episodic plots, because I wasn't really watching people investigating liver-eating monsters. I was watching Mulder and Scully do it. And that's kind of how I feel about Stargate now.

tv: stargate sg-1, tv

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