(no subject)

Nov 28, 2004 17:08

And in response to my desperate flailing for kickass female assassin types, __angela__ points out the Elektra trailer. Gah! Marial arts! Sais! At least two female fighter types! *big grin* This hankering has not been helped out by watching Morgaine's "She Bangs" Faith and Buffy vid about ten times in the past week, because Buffy and Faith fighting! Mmmm.

Had dim sum with fannishly and one of the boy's friends, and I am now very happily full. After having about three days worth of turkey sandwiches, it was nice to have dim sum as a change of pace. Though the turkey/mashed potato/avocado/brie sandwich is also very good. Mmm. Mashed potatoes... You know you have been somewhat overzealous in your sandwich making when the thing doesn't actually fit in your mouth.

More Incredibles links:
fannishly has a review with spoilers, with connections to HP as well.
arethusa2 connects it with fandom (spoilers) and the double-edged swords of competition and expectation.

The five scenes I'm grateful for meme, a la wisteria_:

Five scenes from Buffy:
- vamp!Willow! "I'm... fuzzy."
- "Life's a Show," from OMWF, because I feel so much for Buffy in that song. And "I think I was in heeeaaaaven" kills me every single time I watch it. Also, I am easily distracted by the Red Shirt of Gorgeousness (which I want desperately), the black leather coat (which I also want), and shiny dancing moves.
- That scene in "Enemies" where Faith comes up and plants the knife right next to Buffy's head and Buffy gives her that look. Yeah. Just... yeah. Words fail.
- The panning out shot of Buffy in the desert in "Restless," and that entire speech: "I walk. I talk. I shop. I sneeze. I'm gonna be a fireman when the floods roll back. There's trees in the desert since you moved out. And I don't sleep on a bed of bones." Somehow, it sums up the essence of Buffy for me.
- The subway scene in FFL, with the tight editing and the meta-narration. Also, punk!Spike doesn't hurt.

It's way too hard limiting myself to only five scenes from Buffy!

Five scenes from Angel:
- Lilah and Wes in the belly of Wolfram and Hart, and his heartfelt, futile attempt to burn her contract.
- Pretty much all of "Origin," after finally resigning myself to the fact that ME wasn't going to deal with the mindwipe.
- Puppet!Angel! With fangs! Bwahahahahahaha!
- Angel and Kate's conversation in "Epiphany" about redemption and how nothing matters, so everything that we do matters, may be my favorite conversation of that show, period.
- Cordy hugging Wes and Angel and the entire gang in "You're Welcome" because it brings back all my fuzzies from early Angel.

It's even harder picking scenes for Angel, because what I remember best aren't individual moments but the giant character and plot arcs: the tangled lines among Angel, Wes and Faith, the Angel-Wes-Cordy family, everything.

Five scenes from Joan of Arcadia:
- Helen reading Adam's letter out loud in "Jump."
- The final scene of" Jump." That episode just has too many good scenes, and I could probably just do "scenes I'm grateful for from Jump."
- Luke giving Grace a geode, and OMG I *heart* Luke so much!
- pretty much any scene with goth!God
- the Luke-Kevin moose/elf/flower conversation, of which they shall never speak of again ;).

food, movies, memery, tv: joan of arcadia, tv: buffy, tv: angel, linkage, movies: incredibles

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