Buffy 5x22-6x02

Aug 05, 2004 21:26

So sleepy...

Huh. I just looked out on the deck, and it appears we have a grill. How interesting. I wonder where that came from?

I hit that point when a book catches fire (not literally) for the Secret Country Trilogy, which accounts for the sleepiness. I still really wish the trilogy had been in print or somehow available when I was a kid.

I finished watching Buffy S5, and have started on S6 now! Familiar territory! It will be interesting rewatching it. Cried during The Gift, which I don't always do. Usually it's during the playback of Buffy's speech to Dawn, but this time, it was Buffy and Giles' conversation on the couch. Particularly the bit when she says, "I don't understand. I don't know how to live in this world if these are the choices. If everything just gets stripped away. I don't see the point," which is when I started really crying.

I spent most of the episode wanting to hug Buffy, which seems to be a fairly common response on my part nowadays. I can't help it! She's just so worn down and so sad and tired, except she's Buffy and she still kicks ass. She's up there with my other much adored heroines (Eowyn, Scully, etc.), and I have the hugest girl-crush on her. I have a feeling that despite some individually weak episodes and arcs in S6, I will never be able to watch that season in an unbiased light, because Buffy going through depression hits too close to home and is the most wrenching storyline for me, and I love it to pieces despite its flaws.

Other thoughts: the Spike-love of early Buffy obsession has largely abated, apparently. I like all the characters (with the exception of Kennedy and Eve). I like Spike the most as a person at the end of S5 and very early S6 (as opposed to liking him as a character throughout). Moments when I like Spike as a person: the scene in Tough Love when he's just about to pat Dawn on the head and snatches his hand back in case she sees, the scene with Dawn at the top of the tower and that horrified look they share right before Doc knifes him. I very much liked the Spike and Dawn relationship, and I really wish they had kept up with it. The small scene when Xander lights Spike's cigarette in Spiral. The entire sequence in Buffy's house in The Gift, not asking to be re-invited, letting Buffy know that he'll protect Dawn till the end of the world, telling Buffy that he knows she'll never love him. The scenes with Dawn in Bargaining, and the scene with him and the Buffybot and Willow.

Willow in Bargaining is very, very scary.

I watched Giles leaving in Bargaining and started fanwanking that his leaving again in TR would be due to the inability to watch Buffy go through all that pain, of being too afraid to watch his Slayer die again.

Interesting post on "How Not to Write Bad Het." I agree with most of the writing pointers, which is really not a surprise, given that those encompass a good amount of romance novel rants. This quote sort of annoyed me though: "The problem of "feminized" women in het is *so* bad, there are people who have actually fled the genre and crossed permanently into slash because they can't imagine how het can be any good."

I suppose it's not really in the realm of possiblity to write about het and slash without making comparisons in which one comes out on top. Heh. It makes me sort of want to run around yelling, "Most fiction is bad! The sexual orientation of the main characters usually doesn't change this fact or the percentage of the badness!" But then, I don't read that much slash, so I don't really know the percentages in comparison with femslash or het or what-have-you.

huh, linkage, tv, tv: buffy

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