Lalala meme!

Apr 16, 2004 21:19

Spoilery for all of Buffy and Angel

gakked from half the people on my FL.

Angel or Spike?
Spike. Er. Angel. Er.

Spike until around Showtime, skip till he showed up again on Angel. Angel on his show, all seasons (I didn't much like him on Buffy).

Buffy or Willow?
Er. This one's hard too. Buffy.

Though I still like Willow a whole lot.

Fred or Cordelia?
Cordy. Five good seasons of her more than make up for PodCordy, and Fred has never interested me.

Xander or Oz?
Er. Oz. I don't actually feel strongly toward him at all, whereas I alternately adore Xander to pieces or hate his guts.

Lilah or Lindsey?
Lilah, because of the femme fatale thing.

Giles or Joyce?
Giles. How could I not after watching Passion?

Wesley or Gunn?
Wes Wes Wes. Not that I don't like Gunn, but Wes.

Anya or Tara?
Anya (although I might change my mind after I finally finish watching S4 and misc. S5 eps). I just love her comments.

Connor or Dawn?
Dawn, because the sister thing hits me on a more personal level than father-son.

Kate or Jenny?
Kate, who I thought was quite fascinating. I was actually generally kind of annoyed by Jenny.

Darla or Drusilla?
Darla, because she was so fun to watch on Angel and because she twisted the plot in so many ways.

Who is the best couple? Buffy w/Angel, Spike, Riley, Parker, or Scott?
Buffy/Spike, if by "best couple" you mean couple that is completely messed up and utterly wrong in all those wonderful S6 ways. Hey, I like my angst.
I liked Riley better before he dated Buffy (and before we discovered he was Initiative) and Buffy's baby voice around Riley always annoys me.
I never was a real fan of Buffy/Angel -- too much high school squick (esp. with hearts on notebooks). Mind you, I watched S2 last year, so it wasn't as emotionally close. Plus, the couple that will not break up despite it being in their best interest thing in S3 annoys me too (see: Sydney/Vaughn).

Angel w/Buffy, Fred, Cordelia, Eve, Darla or Drusilla?
Darla. See above explanation for "best couple." I go for the pain ;).

Fred w/Wesley, Gunn, Angel, Spike, or Knox?
How about Fred with just Fred? Can Fred go through life without every single man falling at her feet please?

Xander w/Willow, Anya, Cordelia or Inca Mummy Girl?
Er, no real opinion, except not Willow, and not Inca Mummy Girl.

Willow w/Xander, Oz, Tara or Kennedy?
Oz and Tara both ok.

Some questions about Buffy.

What is your favourite overall episode?
Once More, With Feeling. They sing! How could I not love it?

What episode did you cry the most in?
Chosen, during the montage, which was totally cheesy in some ways, but I don't care at all. And during the shot of Anya in the foreground with Xander looking for her in the background. And all the goodbyes.

What episode do you wish you could erase?
Um, I don't really... Look, I even like Beer Bad for the funny.

Who is your favourite character?
Um. Spike, most of the time. But I love all the characters.

Who is your least favourite character?
Errr. Warren for hating everything he was, except he was intersting to watch. So in personality he's my least favorite. My least favorite person to watch was probably Kennedy.
Some questions about Angel.

What is your favourite overall episode?
Errrr. I can't think of Angel in episodes! I think of it as season-long chunks!

To cheat: Smile Time!!

Who is your least favourite character?
Um. PodCordy.

What episode were you most surprised by?
This has been the only season in which I have not been spoiled. So, right now, the one in which Lindsey shows up!

If Angel and Spike had a rematch, would Spike still win?
I would like to think they wouldn't have a rematch at this point.

tv: angel, memery, tv, tv: buffy

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