Happy Anniversary to...well, Me.

Mar 10, 2013 08:56

I am become the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything!

And as my co-workers can attest after Friday, I know where my towel may be found.

Which is to say that today is my 42nd birthday, which for all that and a bag of chips nets me a free cup of coffee at Starbucks and a whole lot of gratuitous Douglas Adams references, particularly those about the answer to multiplying six by nine in a base-thirteen number system.

Metcha Day is in about two weeks. So is Parent Day. And those combined are still the best present I've ever gotten, even considering that it was at least halfway self-purchased.

In other news, that long-term writing project I'm in with Mr. Webster and Mr. Freeman is still going strong, and now that my creativity circuits are responding again, I'm back in with a vengeance. Also of note that Jim is now up to the third novel based on our work, and that contains a brief cameo by one of my characters and lingers on a region I was 'quite helpful' in developing. I still owe him reviews on Amazon UK, which are going to be a bit awkward to write since I will have to avoid in-jokes and references to that time with the rampant yak and the tub of hair removal salve and that crotchety old Urlan squire...

This year, my birthday present to myself is THE Ed Texiera's newest offering, Star Navy. It looks like it's gonna be the Chain Reaction response to Full Thrust, just as the original 5150 was for StarGrunt. (Don't get me wrong--I LIKE Full Thrust. I like Dirtside and Stargrunt a great deal. But I like Ed's stuff a little better. The ability to pull off an entire fleet-on-fleet fight in less than two hours is a good thing for busy schedules!)

birthdays, stuff, anniversary, games

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