First, a link to the blog post in question, wherein a certain professional athlete demonstrates his skills with the English language in no uncertain terms: This is how I wish I could write, when the necessities of life compel it. Alas, I am kneejerk irascible at best and not nearly diplomatic enough to manage such (to my everlasting sorrow).
Second, an open note of sorts.
(doffs his chapeau)
Dear Sir,
Yours is Lenski-class erudition in the face of incredibly ignominious pandering to the lowest common denominator on a matter of such basic human decency that it defies even cynicism to explain adequately. You are a credit to the tradition of wordsmithery and an exemplar of your form. I must say that while I have not yet had the joy of reading the original letter, the expurgated and altered example is almost certainly funnier because of the sheer linguistic skill applied in the process (which was, of course, your point).
I stand in utter awe of your magnificent riposte, and regret only that the Representative at whom it has been leveled shall need to have some of his brighter staff explain the bigger words to him after due consultation of a thesaurus.
Good show, good form, and well done!
A Rather Cranky Panda, With Cattle-Prod