Happy Monkey! And Happy Birthday!

Feb 12, 2009 14:40

Happy 200th  Birthday, Mssrs. Darwin and Lincoln!

Or President Lincoln and Mister Darwin.

Or maybe even Charles and Abraham or Abraham and Charles.

But never, ever Chuck and Abe.

It is with deep regret that we note that both your achievements are still the subject of so much controversy because some of your fellow humans are incapable of getting their brains around certain truths.  But for all you accomplished, and all that you have given the generations that have followed, you are remembered with honor and the deepest, most profound respect.

(Moment of Silence)
(/Moment of Silence)

And while I'm on the subject, go here and read these:

You will laugh.  Plus you might even learn stuff you don't know if you aren't my Uncle Dave or Aunt Marylou (those intrepid scalers of the twin peaks of Mounts Kilamanjaros).  Like, for example, never wear hiking boots on an expedition to central Africa.  Also remember to pack a tent about four feet high and six feet long.  And always, always remember to respect the hippos.
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